Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Age Associated with Global Warming

Emilio Zagheni demographers do research on age and carbon dioxide emissions. "It turned out that the age structure in the long run be able to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases," said Zagheni, researchers Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Germany.

Zagheni research using population of the United States. However, he said, the same trend will occur at the global level. Global warming triggered by increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere other. The gases were triggered by man-made activities and products.

According Zagheni, after retirement age, our contribution to greenhouse gases began to decline. Population, he said, an important factor in the projected emissions of greenhouse gases.

Unfortunately, the UN Panel of Internasional Experts on Climate Change not include the influence of the age composition of a population in the study. "Therefore, it became part of the motivation of our research," said Zagheni.

Four recent census showed changes in the composition of the American population ages. A growing number of people who headed the age category 65 years and over. In the world's population, this segment is also growing.

Zagheni The results showed that communities with a growing elderly population and consumption patterns as in America will see a decrease in carbon dioxide emissions.

Indeed, the decline will not appear immediately. Zagheni estimate it occurred around 2050, when the elderly population are the majority.

With increasing age, the consumption of Americans who produce carbon dioxide continues to increase. The peak occurs at age 65. After this age, there is a decrease. Parents tend to focus on health so that usually results in greenhouse gas emissions are lower. They also cut back spending money. *** [LIVESCIENCE | KORAN TEMPO 3707]
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