Monday, October 31, 2011

Wary of Lightning Strikes

Indonesia is a region with thunder and lightning incidence is very high. In fact, the Cibinong been recorded in the Guinness Book of Records 1988 as the region with 322 lightning events per year. The density of lightning strikes in Indonesia are also very large, ie 12 per square kilometer per year which means that every area of ​​one square kilometer lightning strike could potentially receive as much as 12 times per year. These data should be valuable information for us to constantly guard against lightning strikes.

Thunderstorms that occur in our region usually emerge from the cloud to the earth's surface. Lightning comes from the charge separation in thunder clouds (cumulonimbus). Generally, the negative charge at the bottom of the clouds gathered, causing induction of the positive charge on the surface of the ground and forming an electric field between cloud and ground. If the electrical charge that is formed is sufficiently large, there was a discharge of lightning energy is very large. The power of lightning ever recorded ranging from thousands of amperes to 200,000 amperes or equal to the power needed to power 500,000 100-watt light bulbs.

Lightning strikes to earth greatly influenced momentary conditions that exist in the earth's surface. Therefore, almost certainly not lightning where it will arrive. All forms of the earth's surface can be welcomed by lightning that comes from the clouds.
Seen from space, lightning is concentrated in certain locations. Uganda, site of the recent tragedy, has the highest frequency of lightning in the world. (Picture from:
Objects that are struck by lightning on Earth depends on the size of the pioneers who came to earth lightning. A large lightning pioneer grabbing objects that stand out like a lightning rod, tower, trees, and tall buildings. Pioneer of lightning that will grab small objects is lower. This little hard to catch lightning with a lightning rod for lively movement.

Property damage and human deaths caused by lightning strikes in our country is relatively high. Often we listen to the news about people who died because of a lightning strike when the person was working in the fields. There is also a dead victim being struck by lightning while sheltering under the building with flammable roof.

If the flow of electricity due to a lightning strike to flow through the tubu human body organs through which the flow will experience a shock (shock). These currents can stop the work of the heart. In addition, thermal effects due to lightning current can paralyze the muscles and tissues of the body. In fact, when the energy is very large lightning can burn the body.

Damage caused by lightning strikes greater with increasing use of electronic goods by the public and industry. Lightning discharge can damage power grids and electronic equipment. Lightning strike at a distance of 1.5 kilometers can damage electronic systems and equipment, such as the installation of computers, telecommunications offices, and other electronic equipment.

The cause of building damage caused by lightning strikes mainly because of the steepness of lightning current and lightning current that could reach 200 kilo amperes. The damage can be heat damage such as burns on the part struck, it could also be mechanical damage such as collapsed roofs and buildings cracked.

Various attempts to overcome the lightning strike is absolutely necessary given the danger level is high enough for humans, buildings, and electronic equipment.

Places that should be avoided when there are storms and lightning is visible wet spot or drainage, open space, place under a tall tree, a tall building without a lightning rod, a place close to earthing the lightning rod, and a transformer at an electric substation . If there is visible lightning and at that moment we were standing in an open area, get down as low as possible and do not lay down on the ground.

Efforts to anticipate the danger of lightning strikes on buildings carried out by applying lightning protection system capable of protecting the physical buildings and equipment in it from the danger of lightning strikes, and the provision of the grounding system (grounding) are well integrated.

Installing a lightning protection lightning rod on a building is a system with components and equipment which serves to capture the lightning and channel it to the ground. The system should be installed in such a way that all parts of the building and its contents or objects that are protected to avoid danger of lightning strikes.

The size of the building will need a lightning rod installation is determined by the magnitude of potential damage and the danger posed when the building was struck by lightning.
Lightning leaps between separate negative and positive regions during a storm. Most cloud-to-ground flashes originate in the cloud’s negative regions. (Picture from:
There are two systems in lightning techniques, namely:
  • First, the lightning rod system. This system uses a sharp metal tip as collectors charge and placed on high ground, so the lightning is expected to grab the metal tip first.
  • Second, dissipation array system. This system uses a lot of the pointed end. Each section is tapered to move an electrical charge to the air molecules around it. This system resulted in decline in potential difference (voltage) between the cloud and the earth, thereby reducing the ability of clouds to release an electrical charge.
Various means of the lightning rod that has been commonly used in between Franklin Rod, Faraday Cage, and Ionization Corona.
Lightning rods. (Picture from:

Franklin Rod is a lightning rod cone-shaped tool made from copper with the protection of an imaginary cone. In order for large protected areas, Franklin Rod mounted on an iron pipe with a height of one to three feet. The further from the Franklin Rod, also weaker protection in areas such protection. Franklin Rod can be seen form the pillars on the rooftops of buildings.

Faraday Cage used to overcome the weaknesses of Franklin Rod because of the unprotected areas and protection areas weakened if the distance is farther away from the Franklin Rod. Faraday Cage and the system has the same properties with the Franklin Rod, but the installation of Faraday Cage on the entire surface of the roof to the height of the lower pole of the pole which is used in the Franklin Rod.

Ionization Corona is a system that is attractive to lightning grabbing onto his head by emitting ions into the air. Ion density greater if the distance to his head closer. Transmitting ions could use an electric generator, battery backup, or naturally. Area protection system is a ball with a distance of up to 120 meters. This system can be recognized from his head surrounded by three blades generating the potential difference and mounted on high poles. *** [FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | GUN GUN GUNAWAN | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 27102011]
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