Friday, October 21, 2011

Tyrannosaurus Rex Achieve Weight 9 Ton

Weight of predatory dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex was much more severe than previously thought. Recent calculations indicate the weight of a giant lizard was reached 9 tons, or nearly double the average weight of adult African elephants.

"Our forecast, they grow 1.79 tons per year during the growth period or two times faster than previously expected," said John Hutchinson, researchers from The Royal Veterinary College, London.

Previously, efforts to calculate the weight of T. rex experts led to failure. Because, they do not use the original order of these animals. At the latest count by weight, the researchers created a three-dimensional models constructed from laser scanner with a precision up to 1 centimeter to the framework along the nearly 15 meters.
A head-on confrontation with this T. rex named SUE would not be pretty. Scientists aren't sure whether the specimen came from a male or female, though they named it after Sue Hendrickson who discovered it. (Picture from:

Scanning process is quite complicated. Researchers hired detectives from the Chicago Police Department used to conduct forensic tests, researchers using the framework of Sue, the largest and most complete T. rex ever found of man, as wide as 1 meter and 1.5 meters long, so it can not get into a conventional scanner. Researchers had to hire a special scanner from Ford Motor Company that are large.

Of the five specimens they studied previously, the weight of T. rex were in the range 4.5-6.5 tons. But particular Sue specimen, weighing close to 9 tons.

"We knew this would be very large frame, but the increase in weight up to 30 percent previously unthinkable," said Peter Makovicky, researchers from the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago.*** [LIVESCIENCE | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3676]

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