Many people assume, the greater the volume of the brain, becoming too intelligent organism. However, research shows that the activity Exercise anthropologist who boosted the size of the brain.
Shown to improve physical endurance levels of proteins that support growth and reorganization of the brain. Not surprisingly, animals with high fitness also has a larger brain. Although a causal relationship has not been proven, the scientists showed that animals with large brains are animals ran farther than other animals.
David Raichlen of the University of Arizona in Tuczon, interested in studying this relationship. He also conducted a series of laboratory experiments involving 29 species of animals.
Brain size data can be obtained from previous studies. However, examination of the exercise of a species must be done by measuring the maximal metabolic rate. In sports, this measure is known as the "VO2 max", ie the maximum volume of oxygen that can be absorbed by humans.
Comparison of two data gives surprising results. The larger the brain size of a species, the greater the level of VO2 max. That is, the more muscular animal, the greater the size of the brain. Greater muscle mass to make animals could run further.
Shown to improve physical endurance levels of proteins that support growth and reorganization of the brain. Not surprisingly, animals with high fitness also has a larger brain. Although a causal relationship has not been proven, the scientists showed that animals with large brains are animals ran farther than other animals.
David Raichlen of the University of Arizona in Tuczon, interested in studying this relationship. He also conducted a series of laboratory experiments involving 29 species of animals.
Brain size data can be obtained from previous studies. However, examination of the exercise of a species must be done by measuring the maximal metabolic rate. In sports, this measure is known as the "VO2 max", ie the maximum volume of oxygen that can be absorbed by humans.
Comparison of two data gives surprising results. The larger the brain size of a species, the greater the level of VO2 max. That is, the more muscular animal, the greater the size of the brain. Greater muscle mass to make animals could run further.
However, further research is done by inserting an additional body size as a factor. But he remained to the conclusion that brain size determines the ability of species to do sports.
Although research findings have been very convincing, Raichlen thinks it is too early to apply the conclusions in the human species. "The samples we have not entered a close relative of humans, namely animal primate groups."
According to him, much longer than a separate human species that are included in this experiment. As a result many stages of evolution are reached, so the relationship of brain volume with exercise capacity in humans irrelevant. *** [WIRED | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3665]
Although research findings have been very convincing, Raichlen thinks it is too early to apply the conclusions in the human species. "The samples we have not entered a close relative of humans, namely animal primate groups."
According to him, much longer than a separate human species that are included in this experiment. As a result many stages of evolution are reached, so the relationship of brain volume with exercise capacity in humans irrelevant. *** [WIRED | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3665]