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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Salmonella Vaccine Expel Coronary Heart Disease

Salmonella typhimurium can indeed cause salmonellosis, diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps up, can even lead to death. However, for Mirza Zaka Pratama, harmful bacteria that turned out to be useful as a vaccine to prevent the constriction of blood vessels.
Mirza Zaka Pratama (Picture from: KORAN TEMPO)
Thanks to the bacteria that also, a student of Brawijaya University's Medical Faculty became the second winner of Adolescent Research Indonesia Elections Field of Natural Sciences, the Indonesian Institute of Science (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia/LIPI) in Widya Graha, Jakarta, on October 4, 2011. In addition to trophies, Mirza earn prize money of Rp. 10 million.
Coronary heart disease (CHD). (Picture from: http://www.butler.org/)
Coronary artery bypass graft. (Picture from: http://www.daviddarling.info/)
Five months before the announcement, Mirza was a student-paced Level II want to know. Pages and pages of scientific journals devoured until he stopped on a paper about Solmonella typhimurium bacteria are capable of producing compounds phosphorylcholine. From there emerged big ideas.

"The compounds in bacteria provoke responses called anti-phosphorylcholine antibodies that can provide protective effects against the narrowing of blood vessels," he told Tempo.

To prove the theory, for two months languishing Mirza along with dozens of Biomedical Laboratory mice in university. This laboratory is known as one of the most comprehensive and most advanced in Indonesia.

The experiment begins by applying a high-fat diet in 25 mice. Intake of these foods make blood vessels constrict coronary mice. This is known as atherosclerosis, which is a chronic disease of the blood vessels caused by the buildup of fatty material on the walls of blood vessels that cause blockage of blood vessels. Generally, these mice had thickening of blood vessels up to 400 micrometers.

Mice that had been suffering from coronary heart disease (CHD) were divided into two groups. Continue to be applied against the first group of high-fat diet so the disease continues to fester. Meanwhile, a second group was given the vaccine made from Salmonella bacteria typhimurium.Vaksinasi conducted over four times every two weeks for 50 days.

On the last day of the experiment, mice body dissected Mirza. Predictably, thickening of blood vessels in the group of mi continued to be high fat food intake was decreased. Significant results took place in the second group who get the vaccination. Antibodies are lured Salmonella typhimurium vaccine proved able to shed the fat that accumulates in blood vessels.

"The thickness of the walls of blood vessels decreased to 40 micrometers, similar to normal conditions. These mice were completely cured," said Mirza. The vaccine was also safe, without causing side effects. The proof, none of the mice developed a fever or allergies during treatment.
Stages of experiment. (Picture from: KORAN TEMPO)
Mirza has its own explanation why the findings vaccine. In conventional vaccination, antibodies administered directly into the body so the healing process came from foreign substances from outside the body. Salmonella vaccine itself is a trigger for the body to produce antibodies fat destruction. This stimulation causes the body to work on, which will destroy the fat in the heart vessel wall.

Seeing the potential of this treatment, Mirza believes the vaccine could also be applied to treat coronary heart disease. However, before entering the commercial stage, he should do more research about the side effects of vaccines in humans.

Efficacy of this vaccine to cure coronary heart disease in mice received praise from the jury testers on Youth Scientific Contest LIPI. The jury hopes the research results can be tested on humans Mirza order could then be mass produced by drug companies.

Mirza said the use of vaccines for the prevention of coronary heart disease is a new thing in medicine. Even studies of this vaccine are generally still in the testing phase of experimental animals.

One technique being investigated is the treatment of phosphorylcholine antigens directly. This technique requires pure antigen that requires lots of processing. This is an automatic boost production costs, so that vaccine prices become very expensive.

The technique he developed is relatively cheaper because only utilize bacteria that naturally generate phosphorylcholine antigens. These bacteria can be bred themselves. "After all Salmonella bacteria are widely found in Indonesia," he added. (See the infograph showcasing heart disease statistics and facts to help someone understand their risk for a heart attack or other heart-related issues.)*** [ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3675]
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