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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Road Opener Cancer Vaccine

Three scientists won the Nobel Prize Field of Medicine in 2011 after successfully uncovering facts about the immune system or the human immune.
From left to right: Bruce A. Beutler, Jules A. Hoffmann and Ralph M. Steinman. (Picture from: http://society.ezinemark.com/)
Their findings reveal the activation of the innate immune system or a derivative and the discovery of dendritic cells and its role in adaptive immunity (the dendritic cell and its role in adaptive immunity). This discovery is considered monumental because it can open up new possibilities for studies of vaccine discovery and treatment of cancer in the future. The third recipient of the prize is a dream of medical researchers from the United States Bruce Beutler and Jules Hoffmann of the French who first examined the mechanisms of the immune response against invasive disease, and Ralph Steinman found that dendritic cells, which became the key to understanding the human immune system would stage follow-up. Presence of dendritic cells have been identified within the interstitium in the tissue.

Innate immune system is the mechanism of an organism to defend itself from infections of other organisms that can be triggered some time after exposure to almost all types of pathogens are potentially harmful to the body. This system is an immune system and complement the first man since time was born.

This cell system to recognize and respond to pathogenic organisms in a generic way and provide short-term protection for the host body. The immune system provides defense secondary derivatives against infections, and can also be found in all plants and animals. From a variety of microorganisms that cause infections that penetrate into the body by various mechanisms, many of which cause the pathology.

Adaptive immune system is the body's defense mechanism against a specific antigen which is acute, this system relies on the interaction between B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes There are three types of molecules that are important in this system, namely the MHC proteins, immunoglobulins, and T cell receptor Given by the adaptive immune response effector cells and related molecules, about the fourth to fifth day after the initial infection. After antigen levels decreased to below the threshold derived immune system, adaptive immune response will stop, but the antibodies, the rest of the effector cells, and immunological memory will survive and provide protection for the length of re-infection can occur.

T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes each play a role in cellular immunity and humoral immunity, in which T lymphocytes would regulate the immune response and cell melisis inhabited target antigen. B lymphocyte cells will differentiate into plasma cells and produce antibodies that will neutralize or enhance phagocytosis of antigens and antigen lysis by complement, and enhance the cytotoxicity of cells that contain an antigen called antibody dependent cell mediated process cytotoxicy or ADCC.
Only specific immunity directed against specific antigens, ie antigens which is a ligand. In addition, specific immune responses also lead to immunological memory that will be quick to react when exposed to another host with the same antigen at a later date.
Microbial invasion and trigger various effector nonspecific inflammatory signals that microbes easily attacked by various effector molecules and cells. Inflammatory signals stimulate the phagocytes by macrophages and neutrophils that bind to the walls of blood vessels and move to the site of infection to eat the microbes that cause infection. During this process the signal other inflammatory mediators increase the mobilization of phagocytes and through the CRP, MBL, and complement through the bloodstream to the site of infection. Consuming process of dendritic cells and microbial components, migrate through the channels of the body to the lymph nodes near the lymphoid and present antigens to T cells The activated T cells migrate to the site of infection and provide assistance to the NK cells and macrophages. Cytokine that is produced during response supports and directs nonspecific immune response specific to the site of infection.

The third invention of Medicine Nobel recipient of this has laid a solid foundation for the development of therapeutic vaccines that can stimulate the immune system to attack tumors. A better understanding of the complexity of the immune system has also been providing guidance to treat diseases associated with inflammation or inflammation, such as rheumatoid arthritis, which is a disease in which the components of self-defense system attacks the body's own tissues.

Beutler and Hoffmann found that the protein receptor acts as a first line of defense to identify bacteria and other microorganisms. Beutler is most fascinating study published in the prestigious journal Science under the title "Defective LPS Signaling In C3H/HeJ and C57BL/10ScCr Mice: Mutations In TLR4 Gene." Hoffmann study published in the journal Cell with the title "The Dorsoventral Regulatory Gene Cassette Spatzle / Toll / Cactus controls the potent Antifungal Response In Drosophila Adults." While Steinman research that explains how the dendritic cells at a later stage of infection that can kill barged Exp Med published in the journal entitled "Identification of a Novel Cell Type In peripheral lymphoid Organs of Mice." *** [YOHANIS NGILI | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 13102011]
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