Thursday, October 20, 2011

Physicists Prepare Sophisticated Neutrino Detector

Still remember neutrino, the sudden popularity particle after physicist who works at an underground laboratory in Italy found that the particles are moving faster than light. However, these particles are also known as a powerful tool for studies of the sun.

Physicists from the University of Massachusetts Amherst has been preparing a new detector to study neutrinos. Borexino named equipment designed to measure neutrinos coming from the sun.
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Schematics of the Borexino detector. The external shielding of Water (Water Buffer, 2400 tonnes) surrounds the photomultiplier sphere, which in turns contains 1300 tonnes of liquid. The 300 innermost tonnes of this liquid (Scintillator) constitute the sensitive volume of the detector: they consist of an aromatic-based liquid scintillator. (Picture from:
(Picture from:
"Borexino detector to be the only one who can see the whole regime of the spectrum of neutrinos in a single experiment," says physicist University of Massachusetts Amherst, Laura Cadonati, Wednesday, October 12, 2011.

Physicists put these detectors in the tunnel along the 10 kilometers that were planted as deep as 1.5 kilometers below the Mountain Sasso, Italy. As for the material using a liquid scintillation detector weighing 300 tons are adrift in a protective fluid weighing 700 tons. Extra fluid is also involved in this experiment so that the total weight of the material used up to 2,000 tons.
A view inside the Borexino detector after filling with scintillator was completed on 15 May 2007. The phototubes on the inner surface of the SSS are clearly visible, as is the inner nylon balloon that contains the scintillator. (Picture from:
Neutrinos they are going to come from thorough beryllium-7, from the solar kilns. Although located in the deepest part of the sun, neutrinos are able to go out at once is not hindered by the fuel gas making up the sun.

The sun is the source of the largest in the solar neutrinos. Every second, 65 billion neutrinos through the Earth's surface one square centimeter. Although very abundant, these particles are difficult to detect because it hardly reacts with other materials. *** [SCIENCEDAILY | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3675]

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