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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Much Better Prepared

MOTOROLA XOOM 2When Motorola launched its tablet computer Xoom in GES 2011 in January, many people believe this is the tablet that will be able to undermine the superiority of Apple's iPad. Moreover, Xoom is the first tablet users Android 3.0 aka Honeycomb, Google-made operating system that is specially made for tablet computers.

However, in fact, sales of Xoom not good enough. Two months after its release, according to the Android Developer Statisties, tablet-sized 10.1-inch screen is only sold 100 thousand units. Compare with the iPad, which sold 300 thousand units on the first day of launch alone. Until late 2010, sales exceeded 15 million iPad units.

Despite failing miserably in marketing the Xoom, yet the company is one of its divisions, Motorola Mobility, recently acquired by Google is not discouraged. In fact, over the weekend, the world of digital technology shocked by the discovery of "identity" Xoom Motorola's second generation.
Yes, In the same Apple iPad, Motorola is also preparing their second generation tablet computer that is named Motorola Xoom 2. Compared with his brother, Xoom 2 seems to be prepared much more mature. This is evident from all the errors that exist on Xoom initial buried deeply.

For example, in terms of design, Xoom 2 appear much more slender and elegant with a thickness of just 9 millimeters. Compared with the iPad 2, which has a thickness of 8.8 millimeters, Xoom 2 is still less thin. But the difference is now only 0.2 millimeters. Not many feel when held.
In terms of weight, this is what became one of the main weaknesses of the first generation of Xoom. Xoom 2 is now much lighter. In fact, weighing about 430.9 grams, Xoom 2 also lighter than the iPad 2, which weighs 601 grams.

Xoom 2  processor is also faster when juxtaposed with the iPad 2. Motorola Xoom 2 use a dual-core chip speed 1.2 GHz Texas Instruments ARM-made. As for Apple to install Apple's dual-core processor with a speed of 1 GHz A5 at iPad2.

Unlike its predecessor, Xoom 2 comes with a smaller screen, which is 8.2 inches. In addition, this is the first tablet that has the Adobe Flash Player 11 application. Leaks also reveal that the outstanding Xoom 2 can be used for HD streaming service from Netflix and can record high-definition video 1080 p.

Like Sony's tablet, in the Xoom 2 there are also features that can be used as an infrared remote control for your home theater through MediaConnect applications. Tablets with the coating material is aluminum and magnesium subwoofer is equipped to deliver high quality sound.

The operating system running on the Motorola Xoom 2 is the second level or Android Honeycomb 3.2. Honeycomb is believed the latest version is much more resilient than its predecessor. Transition was believed to be more stable interface.

One thing that becomes the big question is said to have a stylus tablet that is inserted on one side. Is this a sign of the screen is not sensitive enough to interpret every touch? I do not know. Motorola still shut up about this one. *** [CNET | ENGADGET | ELECTRONISIA | MACRUMORS | KORAN TEMPO 3659]

Operating system: Android 3.2
Processor: Texas Instruments ARM dual-core 1.2 GHz
Screen: 8.2 inches
Weight: 430.9 grams
Thickness: 9 mm
Battery power: 11 hours
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