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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Magic Fruit, Change Sour Becomes Sweet

Squeeze of lemon juice must be sour. But one bite of this miraculous fruit will turn into a sour taste as sweet as honey.
Miraculous fruit (Richardella dulcifica). (Picture from: http://oyinayashi.blogspot.com/)
Now a research uncovered the secret element that made this tiny red fruit can change the flavor of sour lemons into sweet. The results of this research could help researchers create non-natural sugar sweetener is safe.

Effect of fruit flavor modifier called scientific Richardella dulcifica or Synsepalum dulcificum had a chance to make the fruit into a phenomenon in 2008. When that many people in New York who held a party "sense stimulation," by eating a red fruit and eat a variety of acidic foods. The effect of a fruit can last up to one hour.

Small fruit is in fact contain a special protein, called miraculin (MCL), a sensor attached to the taste buds taste sweet on the tongue. Proteins that appear to cling more tightly to receptors such as acidic, which makes the food was sour, into the mouth.

"Miraculin itself was bland," said study researcher Keiko Abe, from the University of Tokyo. "In acidic conditions, MCL changing the molecular structure so that this bond is much stronger."

These strong ties enable the "switch" to the sweet taste bud cells, as if to send a message to the brain, "Hey, sweet!" The way these proteins bind to taste receptors on the tongue so that all sour foods taste sweet can help the development of new artificial sweeteners.

To find out how the fruit, the researchers studied the interaction between miraculin and cells designed to express the human version of the sweet taste receptor, and mice. "We managed to solve the puzzle how miraculin transform sour into sweet in a scientifically," said Abe.

Miraculin works differently than a sweetener flavor on the market, including calorie-free sweetener in diet soda, which is bound to the different taste receptors.

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