Monday, October 17, 2011

Installing Mirrors in Space or Injecting Ocean?

In 2006 Dr. Ralph J. Cicerone, an atmospheric chemist from the United States, has invited the scientists who have futuristic ideas (some people call it "crazy" ideas) to fight global warming. He argues that the ideas of the various proposals and futuristic design to cool the earth should be treated like other research.

Professor Roger P. Angel, an astronomer and designer of the world's largest telescope, the University of Arizona at the invitation of Cicerone suggested such a plan puts the glass (sunshade) in space that can bend sunlight away from Earth. Angel tallying, at least require trillions of sun-shade, each about 60 centimeters in diameter and weighs a little heavier than a butterfly. The problem is not likely trillions of sunshade is made in quick time. In addition, the cost must be relatively very expensive.
Nine Strategies of Geo-engineering. (Picture from:
Professor Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel Chemistry 1995, had put forward the idea of ​​cooling the earth by injecting sulfur into the stratosphere. Millions of tons of sulfur dioxide (SO2) released into the atmosphere. Sulfur can be sown by using a hot air balloon or a jumbo jet. Sulfur sowing purpose is to block sunlight.

Wallace S. Broecker, a geo-engineering pioneer at Columbia University, had proposed the idea of ​​spraying tons and tons of sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere. The goal is to simulate the effect that spewed sulfur into the stratosphere from volcanic eruptions. The existence of particles of sulfur dioxide in the stratosphere could confound the heat from solar radiation. According to his calculations on 1980, the injection process can be done by hundreds of jumbo jets, with the addition of acid rain. The problem is the sulfur can react with chlorine gas in the polar regions are cold that triggers a chemical reaction that will add a thin layer of ozone. As is known that the stratospheric ozone layer serves to protect life on Earth from solar radiation hazard. In addition, sulfur is also the idea of ​​spraying will cost relatively very high.

British atmospheric physicist Professor John Latham and engineer Stephen Salter has a design fleet of boats that are controlled remotely. Fleet would be in the form of salt water spray mist (aerosol) of sea water into the clouds. The content of the water will condense on the salt molecules that cloudiness increases and increased reflectivity clouds to the sun. The problem is the durability of the cloud reflectivity was only a week, so the process must be continuous spraying.

Professor Klaus Lackner from New York has a catcher machine design carbon dioxide (CO2) and he plans to put more in the whole world. The engines would suck carbon dioxide, turning it into powder, and will bury it deep in the ocean depths within the zone of oil or gas drilling that has been unused. Most scientists are reluctant to endorse the idea.

Professor Sydney Ian Jones had the idea to feed plankton with gallons of fertilizer. The growth of phytoplankton can be stimulated by adding iron to the ocean. This will make the plankton grow and absorb carbon dioxide from the water. After death, this plant will come down to the seabed by storing carbon for centuries.

In March 2010 Russell Seitz, a physicist from Harvard University, proposes that the Earth could be cooled by means pumping large quantities of small bubbles into the sea to lower the temperature of the ocean and increase the reflectivity of water. Micro bubble is about 0.002 millimeter in diameter. Seitz said that these bubbles act as small mirrors of water. Bubbles is water that has got extra power (supercharged) resulting from the round jet of water.

By using computer modeling, Seitz found that certain concentrations of micro bubbles can tuck the reflected power of water and cool the earth up to three degrees Celsius if the micro bubbles that are spread evenly across the oceans. The addition of micro bubbles in a square kilometer ocean can be done easily, but Seitz acknowledged that for a scale that encompasses the entire ocean, are technically difficult. The reason, based on the fact that these bubbles will not last long enough and effectively spread through the vast sea area.

Many more earth cooling ideas proposed scientists. Even so, many scientists who consider geo-engineering as a joke, a dream is not responsible because more risks than benefits. *** [FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | GUN GUN GUNAWAN | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 13102011]

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