Wednesday, October 26, 2011

God Particle Hunter

Passion thousands of physicists at the laboratory Conseil Europeenne pour la Recherche Nucleaire (CERN) passionate. Last month they complete the OPERA experiment, which claims neutrinos can travel faster than light.

Laboratory findings of the largest particle accelerators in the world makes the world of science commotion. Understandably, if true, it would undermine the findings of Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity. Another implication is the foundation or the main paradigms of physics must be replaced.

Still warm conversation about neutrinos, on the last Friday September 14, 2011 CERN Director General Rolf Heuer making ambitious targets. Next year, he said the lab is located on the border between France and Switzerland that would ensure the Higgs Boson particle exists or not.

Higgs Boson is a particle that holds a key position in the universe. The Nobel Prize in Physics, Leon Lederman, call it a particle-like conception of God as the Creator of human will. Since March 30, 2010, CERN began experimenting with a pestle proton-proton Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to find the particle.
Haryo Sumowidagdo, an Indonesian scientist at CERN. (Picture from:
"The spirit of the passionate we observe the highest-energy collisions that can be created humankind," said Haryo Sumowidagdo, physicist from Indonesia who worked on the Compact Muon Selenoid (CMS) belongs to the LHC. Another experiment of the LHC to search for God Particle is Atlas.

According to Haryo, CMS consists of physicists from various countries. They consist of professors, postdoctoral research staff (such as Haryo), and doctoral student. 5,000 to 6,000 at CERN itself there are physicists who work and do research.

However Haryo position, working at CERN since January 2009, is unique. Understandably, the search for God Particle has been started since 2002, when he became a doctoral student at Florida State University, USA. Dissertation research conducted at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab).
The 27 kilometer long Large Hadron Collider complex on the Swiss/French border. (Picture from:
Fermilab, which was founded in 1967, is a particle physics laboratory in the world with the highest energy. There are 2.000 to 3.000 scientists from around the world who work in the laboratory that is located near Chicago. They consist of doctoral students, post-doctoral research staff, and professors. In the laboratory this prestigious, Haryo incorporated in DO or one detector at Fermilab's Tevatron machine.
An overview of the Large Hadron Collider experiments. (Picture from:
Haryo dissertation topic on the top quark decay into tau leptons. In addition, the electrically charged Higgs boson search in top quark decay. In 2008, he completed the doctoral program and worked as a staff researcher at the Department of Physics and Astronomy University of California Riverside. By his office, Haryo sent to collaborate with CERN physicists to discover the Higgs particle.

His experience at Fermilab and CERN makes Haryo as a board member God Particle Hunter Team. "I am pleased to be involved directly in the search for fundamental particles," said Haryo, who was born in Singaraja, Bali, on October 25, 1976.

According to him, very interesting to see how a great machine composed of sensors, cables, and computers can be linked directly to the formulation of the mathematical theory of elementary particles on the paper.
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. (Picture from:
Haryo explains, this is the time most physicists work hard, both theoretically and experimentally. Those who study the theory will think of the new theory, proposed the theory, and how to check the theory.

Those who experiment will try to examine and reexamine the results of searching OPERA or error factor that may be overlooked by OPERA. "For me personally," said Haryo. "This is the moment the most interesting part of working in physics and why I became a physicist."
The Standard Model: Beyond the Atom (Picture from:
Haryo, who became the moderator of a mailing list of physics Indonesia, continue to inform the development of research at CERN. He advised the teachers and professors of physics in order to make the neutrino as a discussion topic in class.

Discussion, he said, not in the frame dropping or sue the theory of special relativity, but rather teaches the thought processes and scientific developments. According to Haryo, lessons and direct observation of this process is a valuable provision for generation of scientists Indonesia in the future. *** [UWD | ANTON WILLAM | KORAN TEMPO 3681]

Uncovering the Top Quark Decay
When a student in the Department of Physics, University of Indonesia, Haryo chose to concentrate on nuclear physics and particle theory. His mentor Professor Dr. Terry Mart and Professor Dr. Darmadi Kusno. "I am indebted to them both great," said Haryo, who completed primary school to senior high in Jakarta. After the UI, he received following the Florida State University doctoral program.

In college, Haryo concentrate on particle physics. To complete his research, he worked at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), who in 1995 discovered the subatomic particle called the top quark.

Haryo participate in the investigation team to find the properties of these particles. Through a doctoral dissertation at Florida State University, for the first time reveal the character of the top quark Haryo when turned into a pair of elementary particles, namely, muon and tau.
The Tevatron is not the only accelerator at Fermilab: before particles get injected inside the Tevatron ring, they have to be produced, accumulated, and transferred through a series of other machines. In the aerial picture below you can see that the Tevatron ring is in fact flanked by an oval almost as large, the Main Injector. Other machines cannot be made out by a bird's eye view, but they are all essential to the functioning of the whole system. (Picture from:

"Top quark decay into two pairs were never seen by the DO (one detector at Fermilab's Tevatron machine)," he said. Top quarks themselves have significant value in the world of physics. This particle is the last element that complements the "standard model of particle", which is used throughout the world physicists in studying the microcosm.
Top quark decay. (Picture from:
Until now, the top quark is known as the heaviest elementary particle ever discovered scientists. The mass of a particle is equivalent to 175 times the hydrogen atom. According to Haryo, this enormous mass makes physicists so dizzy research is still continued.

Some physicists think the mass is too large it will be a hint of new concepts in particle physics. "There's a new idea of ​​the unknown," said Haryo. To reveal why the top quark mass can collect for it, physicists have studied the interaction of these particles with other particles.

At the CERN laboratory, is now Haryo busy chasing God particle, which is considered responsible for explaining the existence of mass in atomic nuclei. Calculations on paper showing God particle has a mass nearly equal to the top quark.

Research at Fermilab and CERN are made Haryo put him in the frontline in the heaviest elementary particle research top quark and the God particle. *** [ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3681]

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