Friday, October 14, 2011

The Deep sea water, Source of Drinking Water Rich in Nutrients

Deep sea water (DSW) can be utilized as a source of drinking water after desalination processes (separation of salt from water).

Even deep sea water a more rich in nutrients and minerals, especially that influenced the movement of sea water Sea Traffic Flow Indonesia.

The Ocean layers. (Picture from:
"The content of mineral after treatment by the well for drinking water supply is very beneficial to the survival and health of the human body," says Professor Bonar Pasaribu, researchers Department Oceanic Science the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University (Institut Pertanian Bogor / IPB).

Bonar expressed deep sea mineral water supply is very strategic to anticipate the clean water crisis in the future. About 40 percent of the territorial waters of Indonesia is DSW, with a depth of 200-600 meters.

"Utilization of DSW after the desalination process gives a byproduct, in the form of high quality salt," he said in a Coffee Morning event themed "Deep Sea Water Alternative Solution Water Supply Crisis" on Baranangsiang IPB campus in Bogor, on Thursday, October 6, 2011.

DSW researchers since 2009 it added, in a potentially seawater as drinking water pumped from a depth of more than 300 meters, below the thermocline layer and eufotik. The water temperature at depths ranging from 10 degrees Celsius. The water is clean, stable, rich in nutrients, and minerals.
How to pump up the deep sea water. (Picture from:
"The condition of DSW is different from surface sea water is affected photosynthesis, pollution, sediment suspension, and the algal bloom," said Bonar. "So, DSW appropriate for drinking water sources."
The relationship between temperature, salinity and density is shown by the blue isopycnal (of same density) curves in this diagram. In red, green and blue the waters of the major oceans of the planet is shown for depths below -200 metre. The Pacific has most of the lightest water with densities below 26.0, whereas the Atlantic has most of the densest water between 27.5 and 28.0. Antarctic bottom water is indeed densest for Pacific and Indian oceans but not for the Atlantic which has a lot of similarly dense water. (Picture from:
Abundant potential source of sea water has been utilized in a large number of countries since 20 years ago, like in Japan and Hawaii. While in South Korea, Taiwan, and India has developed since 5 years ago.
The coloured curves for phosphate and nitrate show how these nutrients are almost completely used near the surface and how they gradually become available in the thermocline layer. Note how the Atlantic Ocean ends up with less nutrients than the Pacific and Indian oceans. (Picture from:
"In Indonesia, we have invested the funds of Rp. 5 billion for the development of DSW factory in Bali. The production capacity per day as many as 3 million tons," said Bonar. Deep Sea Water product were packed in 500 ml bottles and given name "Oceanic". *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | ARIHTA U SURBAKTI | KORAN TEMPO 3672]
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