(The Calculations Result of Oceanography Experts)
The results predict an intergovernmental panel discussion anywhere in the world, in 2100 the average world temperature will increase from two to 10 degrees.
According to the latest research led by Prof. Kent Taylor, a scientist from the University of Arizona, there is a strong relevance to climate change, but this one is about sea level rise in the USA and the world is calculated to drown some of the city located on the waterfront. In it was reported, rising sea levels could threaten the coast in 180 U.S. cities and other cities of the world's 3,600 in 2100 (including Jakarta). This amount was not calculated from the number of cities, in suburbs that amounted to thousands.
This paper appears in the journal Climate Change Letters. "With the current conditions, the global average temperature projections of greenhouse gas emissions by 2100 will increase to eight degrees warmer than now," says lead researcher Jeremy L Weiss, senior research specialist at the University of Arizona.
The amount of warming is likely to increase the water surface, at least from four to six meters of sea level in the previous century. "This could teijadi as part of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets slowly but surely will melt like a block of ice on the sidewalk in the summer," said Weiss.
If that's true, what should we do. Does started preventive since it now or later after the incident? Whatever happens with climate change in 2100 stems from the extreme heat waves and forest fires to massive flooding and rising sea levels. Evidence of early evidence, it looks and is happening on earth today.
Lightning produced by strong storms often cause wildfires in dry areas. Researchers have estimated that currently some areas will have less humid air in a warmer climate. This will become more vulnerable to forest fires as a result teijadinya. However, dry conditions can also produce fewer storms. "These findings seem to imply that fewer storms in the future will be good news for disastrous western U.S. from wildfires," said Tony Del Genio, lead author of the study and a scientist at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York.
Note meteorologist at the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration said this year there will be a tornado hurricane season more than usual. This is one that is quite worrying, which is predicted based on the signs that appear in the next decade. This event will probably break the record for the presence of the most devastating tornado in the early XXI century.
So also the great flood that will engulf the region in the Midwest, and some countries have been at levels above the 100-year flood spring. "There is considerable concern that climate change caused by greenhouse can be increased sharply which will result in an increase in severe damage. The storm could also stimulate the formation of tornado wind speed, will change abruptly when the elements exist. Increasing hurricane strength will directly bring flood event," he said. *** [DEDI RISKOMAR | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 29092011]