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Monday, October 10, 2011

Bacteria Transform Urine Into Rocket Fuel

 Scientists discover bacteria that live without oxygen and can transform ammonium (positively charged ammonia) in the urine into hydrazine, which is rocket fuel.

Bacteria called anammox (ammonium oxidation) was found in 1990, but only now are known benefits. Through a paper published in the latest Nature journal, researchers from Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, found a trick that made the bacteria to produce fuel.

"Proving this chemical process is a major accomplishment," said microbiologist from the University of Nijmegen, Mike Jetten. In that study, he and other researchers to separate proteins specific complex is red. Crystal molecules are then isolated and known to produce hydrazine.
Scientists have discovered the mechanism by which annammox bacteria can convert ammonium, an ingredient of urine, into hydrazine, a rocket fuel. (Picture from: http://www.windsorstar.com/)

These findings could attract the attention of aviation and space agency (NASA). Unfortunately, further studies indicate that hydrazine is produced by this protein very little. "The amount is not sufficient to produce fuel booster rocket to Mars," Jetten added. Although not yet able to help the production in large quantities, Jetten believes in the future research could improve the performance of these complex proteins to be more productive.
Photograph of an enrichment culture of anaerobic ammonium oxidizing bacteria (anammox). (Picture from: http://www.theblaze.com/)
Before getting to the stage, anammox is now used to purify water as effectively breaking the ammonia molecule. Another potential anammox was found on biofuels with clean energy useless without the need for molecules of air, and then produces methane.

Dutch scientist 
is not who first discovered the potential urine. Last year a scientist at the UK robotics lab was awarded a grant of U.S. $ 900 thousand to learn how the urine and other waste can be used as a source of new energy. *** [DISCOVERY | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3668]
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