Saturday, September 24, 2011

When Google buy Twitter

Rumors of a potential Google buy Twitter has been long outstanding. In fact there are a few suggestions for Google to actually buy some shares Twitter.

The launch of Google+ social networking site time to make people believe that Google's interest in microblogging site was down.
But it turns out that Google passion never subsided. There are several reasons why Google was still determined to buy Twitter.

First, coverage. Since its launch until last August, Google+ has 25 million members. Twitter has 300 million users until May 2011.

Of that amount, there is a noticeable difference between simply having an account and actually use it. In this case Twitter is far superior.

A large number of users that can represent how much money is flowing into the company. Google sees a business like that of Facebook.

Second, and most importantly, is the relevance or linkage. In the social networking site, all the latest information to flow quickly. Whereas in traditional search engines, things like that can not be obtained.

By incorporating real-time search engines become part of Google will change the image of the largest search site. Than just presenting the old information will be changed to breaking news.

That's why Google+ integrate with the Google search engine. Because the number of users small, a shortcut for Google is to buy Twitter.

Then what is the advantage for Twitter if the acquisition happens? A lot. The main cost savings. Twitter can also take advantage of Google's infrastructure.

It's possible Google will be poured fresh funds amounting to US. $ 8-10 billion or Rp. 68-85 trillion. This certainly will improve the financial Twitter.

Merging with other Google services, such as G-mail and Google Talk, will add to the popularity of Twitter.

But the acquisition plan is not without opposition. Some of Google's competitors have raised objections when the king of search engines it also wanted to become king of social networking sites. Even they accuse Google of doing business cartel.

Even so, when looking at Google's behavior exploits in the past, it is not likely to be re-experienced the failure of Google.

Google has bought the site of social services, such as the Aardvark; location-based services, Dodgeball, and Jaiku microblogging. All ended with the closure of the service.

Will that fate would also befall Twitter if it has acquired the Google? Many who give advice, rather than buy Twitter, Google's better to buy access to the most popular microblogging site. *** [CNET | TECHRADAR | FIRMAN | KORAN TEMPO 3651]

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