Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Video Games Good for Amblyopia Eyes

Playing video games is not always bad for health. Recent research shows, playing video games can improve eyesight adults with lazy eye or amblyopia.
Need an excuse to play video games? Turns out, they could improve vision in adults with lazy eye (Picture from: http://www.livescience.com/)
Adults who have amblyopia has increased the perception of three-dimensional (3D) in their sight after spending 40 hours playing video games.

Amblyopia is a brain disorder that causes the vision in one eye does not develop as they should be. According to the National Eye Institute, this is a common cause of permanent visual impairment in children, and affects two to three children out of 100 American children. Amblyopia is also the cause of impaired vision in one eye between youth and middle age adults.

Although amblyopia in children can be treated by closing a good eye and forcing the brain to use the "lazy eye" is weak, adults who have this disease have few treatment options.
It is most common cause of visual impairment in childhood. This condition affects 2 to 3 out of every 100 children. If this disease is not treated in early childhood , can persist into adulthood. Amblyopia can occur when one eye is more nearsighted or farsighted than the other. As a result , the brain begins favoring the stronger eye. The other eye gets weaker (Picture from: http://www.thehealthage.com/)
"This discovery is very promising because there is currently no way of handling that is acceptable for adults with amblyopia," said Dennis Levi, a researcher at the University of California, Berkeley. "Many eye doctors who raised their hands when faced with patients over 8 years because amblyopia is believed to only be 'cured' at the beginning of the development of the visual cortex. If the disease was not corrected in childhood, the damage is irreparable." *** [LIVESCIENCE | KORAN TEMPO 3639]

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