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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Turn on Endangered Animals Through Skin Cells

The researchers have kept some skin cells from endangered animal species for 40 years. Now, those efforts appear to be useful for developing methods of production of stem cells from skin cells of stored samples. Skin cells that have long kept this can be used to revive the species as endangered.

Efforts to protect endangered animals that had been started in 1972, but experts do not know at the time of stem cell technology. However, they are attempting to save the skin samples from various species of animals in the hope that one day there will be science to find a way back daiam preserve rare animals. Now, it seems that the stem cell-based technologies are being developed.

This indicates that the stored samples of skin cells could be useful to revive an extinct species of animals. Technique to transform skin cells into stem cells called induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS).
With only seven northern white rhinos left in the world, creating eggs and sperm from stem cells offers the possibility of salvaging some of the species. (Picture from: http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/)
A group of researchers from the Scripps Research Institute (SRI), in La Jolla, Calif., recently successfully demonstrated that it is possible to transform the skin cells that have been frozen into stem cells that are viable for use. They used samples collected from monkey hairy gray and white rhino from the north. Both species are critically endangered so that these actions must be performed by a team incentive.

By creating stem cells from skin samples, researchers were also able to study several diseases that affect the survival of the rarest animals in the world. But the main purpose of the use of these stem cell technology in animals is to create sperm cells and egg cells which can then be used to diversify into the genes of endangered species. The hope, in order to generate back an extinct animal species and maintain the viability of some animals that are threatened with extinction. *** [SOFTPEDIA | SRI | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 15092011]
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