Friday, September 16, 2011

EADS Develop New Concorde

Aviation in the era of the 1980s had experienced very rapid progress, with the presence of two aircraft "Concorde" (British-France) and "TU-144 or Konkordski" (Russia). Two planes are similar but different. Shaped like two birds "condor", with the ability to fly beyond the sound of a maximum speed of mach two. Until now not known with certainty, who imitate the most advance and who scored two aircraft were similar but not identical, although each country insisted recriminations.
British-French's Concorde. (Picture from:
Actually, until now no commercial aircraft that has a high speed as the two aircraft were exempt aircraft like F-15 fighter. With the exception of the advantages of time, requiring high-speed fuel up to two times the regular commercial aircraft.
Russian's Tu-144LL (Picture from:
At that time British-France wanted to prove that the speed that exceeds the sound for commercial aircraft at any time needed as well. Just imagine, with the aircraft, the flight from Paris to New York takes up to five hours more. However, with concorde only takes three hours.

The user plane is limited to certain people who need fast flying. Airline ticket prices were set at twice that of regular commercial aircraft because of fuel required is also up two-fold. However, it turns out in every flight, more than 80% of the seats filled by passengers executives. However, not more than five years, after the inaugural flight, the Air French and British Airways was closed all Concorde's flight route due to a loss. With the same was done by the Russian's.

Physically, the plane's owner said, with seating capacities flight filled only 80% had reached the capital. It sounds very strange. But what is more interesting is the fuselage there are cracks in the wings are very dangerous if done for longer flights. A question, why it happened cracks on the wings and tail section when it was using a type of carbon that are resistant metal friction at speeds in excess of the sound.

In addition to cracking the body, which is quite wasteful of fuel greatly burdensome venture capital because when it first launched, the price of jet fuel is still quite low. Then move up more than $ 60 cents per liter. With this increase, of course, became heavy and therefore has not reached five years of flight, the two companies were close flight route to New York. In fact, the original plan, the flight will be expanded up to several U.S. cities and cities in the world.
The European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company N.V. (EADS) is a large pan-European aerospace and defence corporation and a leading defence and military contractor worldwide. (Picture from:
Ten years later, suddenly the news came that the Airbus parent company EADS to reopen the talks will make a similar aircraft with a capacity twice that of the previous. Aviation experts ask, why superpower repeat back "bankruptcy" by making the aircraft with the speed capability mach four? In fact, in this era, there is no type of aircraft that can match that speed.

Super fighter F-35 which was made the U.S. and its allies, only the target has a speed of mach three. In trials at maximum speed, still constrained by the speed of which clashed with less aircraft missiles. So to overcome them are forced to make missiles with speeds up to mach four, much faster than the fighter.
ZEHST vs. Concorde. (Picture from:
Technical data New-Concorde aircraft being tested uses fuel "biofuel" from the seaweed. Not using fuel oil, so the use of jet fuel only 50% compared to using fossil fuel. Fuel consumption is actually far higher when compared to commercial aircraft that consume only 20% compared with fossil fuel consumption.
The ZEHST concept. (Picture from:
The plan, in normal flight conditions for a distance of Paris-New York, takes two hours. In fact, with the old Concorde flight, the time needed for four hours. Thus, the time is much faster because it uses the speed of mach four. Once flying, he will fly at an altitude of 50.000 feet above sea level at a cruising range 5.000 km per hour.
ZEHST looks like a fatter cross between the Concorde and the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft (Picture From:
Machine to be used there are three types, namely conventional jet, rocket, and supersonic ramjet. The use of machines per machine was adjusted to the rate of speed when the planes started to take off, which at the last level in accordance with its ability to use a supersonic rocket. Mach four speed aircraft will be shown on Paris Air Show under the code name "Son of Supersonic".
Overall, the aircraft being tested was developed by EADS's, called Zero Emision Hyper Sonic Transsport (ZEHST). First flight tests should take place in 2030, to find out the weaknesses in the body and engine. So that unlike previous generations who suffered cracks to the body and engine. And the first commercial flight is planned for 2050. There should be 60 to 100 seats in the plane. *** [DEDI RISKOMAR | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 15092011]

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