Ease of obtaining chemicals such as borax, formalin, and textile dyes are often misused some food manufacturers. They mix the chemical into processed food products either because of lack of knowledge about the dangers of these substances when consumed, or for other reasons. However, certainly we as consumers are rightly wary and cautious. To avoid food containing chemical substances rather than for food (nonfood grade), we should recognize these chemical substances and contaminated food characteristics such substances.
The chemicals are commonly found nonfood grade contained in a number of foods are:
The chemicals are commonly found nonfood grade contained in a number of foods are:

Borax danger inhalation, the skin and ingested, can cause respiratory tract irritation, skin irritation, eye irritation, kidneys damage, as well as symptoms of other common poisoning.
Some foods that contain borax, can be marked will not fly or other insect infestation, also do not like cats because borax is antiseptic. In general, food containing borax will be more resilient (wet noodles, meatballs, chicken, rice cake), and will be more durable (nonperishable) a few days, even if stored at room temperature (25°C). If consumed, borax will taste bitter on the tongue and the throat feels scratchy.

Formalin inhalation hazard, on skin, or ingested can cause respiratory tract irritation, aiergi symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and other symptoms.
Some foods that contain formaldehyde can be marked will not fly or other insect infestation, also will not like cats, because the piercing smell of formaldehyde and is a disinfectant.
Formalin-containing foods will look more shiny with bad piercing (noodles, meatballs, tofu, chicken, etc..), And will be more durable (durable) for many days even stored at room temperature (25°C).

Danger Rhodamin B if inhaled, swallowed the skin and can cause irritation to the respiratory tract, skin irritation, irritation of the digestive tract, as well as other symptoms of poisoning.
Characteristics of foodstuffs containing Rhodamin B is colored red, if the product form solution will cause a red color phosphorescent or fluorescent. The color of this product is resistant to heating (fried / boiled) the color will not fade. In many food products providing dots of color, because it can not be mixed homogeneously

Dangers of Metanil Yellow is similar to the dangers of Rhodamin B. Characteristics of food containing these dyes will look striking yellow, resistant to heating (fried / boiled color will not fade), and the food will look mixed not homogeneous.
To maintain health, then get to know the food on your dinner table. *** [Y. ZAKIAH | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 15092011]