Monday, September 26, 2011

Angry Bird Nebula in the Sky

Lambda Centauri Nebula This image has a special shape, like a bird in the game Angry Bird. Latest image shimmering clouds of hydrogen and nascent star in the constellation Centaurus was taken by the Wide Field Imager, telescopes MPG / ESO 2.2-meter.

Nebula IC 2944 is often called the Running Chicken Nebula because of its shape which looks like a bird. In a nebula which is 6,500 light years from Earth that there are new stars formed from clouds of hydrogen gas that glow bright with ultra-violet light.

Radiation incredible great it is pushing hydrogen cloud around it, making the cloud was issued a reddish glow. Shades of red is characteristic of regions of star formation.

Some people see the shape resembles a chicken in the photo the star formation region and gave it a nickname. However, debate arises about which part of the nebula is shaped chicken, because many bird-like features on the photograph.

In addition to the glittering gas, another hallmark of star formation in IC 2944 is a series of irregular black silhouette blobs red background. It was an example of an object type called Globula Bok.

They appear dark because it absorbs light from the bright background. However, observations of dark clouds were conducted using an infrared telescope, so it can penetrate the dust that normally block the light. The results revealed that the star is formed from a number of dark objects. *** [SCIENCEDAILY | KORAN TEMPO 3655]

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