Albert Einstein's brain no bigger than the average human brain. But somehow his brain is more "watery", thus making the mental leap between time and space, and finally connects the two forms of space-time. A theory that strange for some people.
If Einstein was so smart, why are we not as intelligent as he? "To answer, you have two separate research methods for the first time," said Edward Bullmore, neuroscientists at Cambridge University in England.
Bullmore has written an article about research studies related, indicating that, "The brain has changed, not only minimizes the energy expended, or be as smart as possible, but also to achieve a balance between the two."
He is using brain imaging techniques to find out how much energy is in-use the brain to work. Brain suck up a lot of energy. Although only 2 percent of body mass, the brain burns 20 percent of our energy.
In other research methods, expert neurobiologist Simon Laughlin, of Cambridge, shows the evolution of the brain to adjust the design which makes less use of energy. Smaller brain requires less energy as well,
"Neural imaging data show that individuals with highly efficient neural networks have higher IQs," said Bullmore. "Connections that produce a high IQ it would be very expensive."
Revealed that mental leap is a leap long distances between different brain regions. Like others who have a high level of intelligence, Einstein's brain is very integrated, with many paths that connect far-flung areas. It requires great energy.
Ordinary people's brains do not have so many paths connecting that way. "The idea is essentially the average human brain represents a tradeoff between minimizing energy requirements and maximize efficiency," said Bullmore.
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