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Friday, August 19, 2011

WDG Revolutionary Machines

Currently, efficient vehicles are fuel efficient and hybrid types. Vehicles that use a combination of electricity with a battery-powered engine, plus engine-powered electric generator fuel oil (gasoline).

Dr. Norbert Muller of Michigan State University (MSU) with funding amounting to 2.5 million dollars from the U.S. government is conducting the final stages of testing a new type of engine, the combustion engine is a revolutionary breakthrough.

After doing research for several years, Muller managed to create a spinning metal disc with a precision radial canals. The mixture of air / fuel entering through the middle and toward the outside. When the disc spins, the exit channel is closed so that menimbulan back-shock effect. Because the inlet is now closed, there was a compression like a piston, and a mixture of gasoline and air is also on fire. As a result of an explosion like in the cylinder combustion engine, the power generated rotating wheel. Combustion process was repeated at the inlet and outlet canals open again. The remaining combustion gases are removed and a mixture of gasoline / air sucked back to repeat the burning process at very high speeds.

The new findings are very exciting because it eliminates many components of the traditional combustion engine. The new machine will improve efficiency by 60 percent, and the weight of the machine becomes much lighter.

"Our goal to achieve super efficiency in hybrid vehicle that can travel about 500 km. Boost performance and lower the price of road highway vehicles, as well as low operating costs. WDG (Wave Disc Generator) machine can also reduce carbon monoxide pollution by up to 95%, "said Dr. Muller. *** [BK | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 19082011]
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