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Monday, August 1, 2011

Sei Whales Rare Species Seen in Scotland

A rare type of sei whales appeared in the bay west of Scotland last week. This was the eighth time in 50 years that is almost extinct whales are seen.

Danny Kerr, a local paramedic, managed to take pictures of whales from the airplane he was riding when going to pick up patients. Similarly, as quoted by the BBC.

Kerr send seafolk photos to the experts at the Sea Watch. The officers there immediately share them with researchers from the United States. Form of the whale is indeed different. He was skinny and elongated.

Having carefully analyzed, all say the same, namely the whale who recorded his image is sei whales, endangered species and live in the polar regions. Sightings in Scotland is quite rare. Scientists had hesitated when determining whether this is true sei whales. Because whale fin whale is similar when viewed from the fins are white.

"After reviewing carefully the photo, we believe this is a sei whale. This is evident from his back fin is curved backwards and are very large. Great white fins and curved back is a hallmark of sei whale, fin instead," said Peter Evans, Director of the Sea Watch.

There are still many secrets about sei whales that have not been revealed until now. This species was hunted to many numbers continue to decline drastically. Sei whale population is unknown but estimated to number only 30 thousand heads around the world.*** [BBC | FIRMAN | KORAN TEMPO 3601]
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