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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Most Amazing of Underwater Volcano

Mauna Kea or White Mountain in Hawaii is the tallest underwater volcano in the world. Height reaches 16,400 meters from the seabed to the top. Currently about 5,000 known active volcanoes under the sea. Because of its location under the sea, sometimes not detected when the volcano erupted. 
Natural phenomena, such as an earthquake or a blast of smoke, did not feel. Whereas each year an estimated 75 percent of the mountain removing hot lava. Longest series of volcanoes in the world located in the Hawaiian Islands. Over 2,400 kilometers in length. Here are 10 volcanoes under the ocean's most amazing;

1. MOLOKINI CRATER, HAWAII Currently the form of peaks resemble "islands" sickle. Previously a perfect circle. This area is very popular among divers and a rich habitat for marine birds.

2. MORRO ROCK, CALIFORNIA Morro Rock is one part of a series of underwater volcanoes known as the "Nine Sisters". Mountains were formed about 20 million years ago.

3. SURTSEY, ICELAND Sometimes the eruption of underwater volcanoes forming a new island on top of it and it happens to Surtsey in Iceland. In 1963, the eruption (left) is forming a new island.

4. ELDFELL VOLCANO, ICELAND Iceland is a country rich in underwater volcanoes and the majority classified as active. Most major eruption occurred in 1973, when the lava of Mount Eldfell cover Heimaey Harbor.

5. IWO JIMA, JAPAN The volcano is located near the island of Iwo Jima, Japan, the Pacific Ocean. In the visible image of the volcano released a puff of smoke when it will erupt in July 2005.

6. BROTHERS VOLCANO, NEW ZEALAND Three-dimensional diagram of Brothers Volcano, which is part of an active volcano Kermadec Arc. It lies 1850 meters below sea level. There is a large crater with a depth of 300-500 meters.

7. HEALY VOLCANO, KERMADEC RIDGE Healy Volcano is a volcano located in other major Kermadec Ridge Mountains, located about 400 kilometers from New Zealand.

8. NW-ROTA 1, JAPAN Red lava burst from the crater of NW Rota 1 Brimstone Pit at a depth of 560 meters under the sea. This photo was taken from Jason II submarine on April 29, 2006.

9. KICK 'EM JENNY, GRENADA Kick 'em Jenny is the name of an active underwater volcano in the Caribbean Sea, about 8 miles from Grenada. The first time in 1939 and last erupted in 2001.

10. BRANSFIELD STRAIT, ANTARCTICA Although always covered by snow, Antarctica to save a series of volcanoes on the seafloor and most are still active. One mountain sticking to the surface is Bransfield Strait. *** [OURPLANET | ENVIRONMENTALGRAFITTI | FIRMAN | KORAN TEMPO 3602]
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