Although there is no data how much of its production in Indonesia, Job's Tears are found in Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries, evidenced by the many names given to this plant. For example, pengolong iteum (Gayo), perasa (Palembang), penjalai (West Sumatra), hanjeli (Java), hanjeli (Sunda), jelim (Aceh).

Plants such as grass for years, erect stems and large, as well as high 1-3 m. Job's Tears growing wild or cultivated as hedge plants or the sidelines. Grows in moist soil and sunlight to a height of 1,000 m above sea level. Leaves alternate location, form of ribbon or lanceolate, length 800-100 cm, width 1.5 - 5 cm, pointed tip, hugging the base of the stem, flat edges, rough surfaces, the mother leaves protruding bone on the back of the leaf. Flowers out of the armpit leaves, shaped grains. The fruit of stone fruit, rounded oval, purple when old whitish, and hard skin.
Ingredients and benefits
Job's Tears based on several studies and literature known to have elements as contained in rice and can be a source of energy for the body. In addition, Job's Tears rich in fat. Job's Tears seeds contain 58-62 percent soluble carbohydrate, mainly starch, 9.5 - 23 percent albuminoid, and 5 percent fat.
According to the Nutrition Directorate of the Indonesia Ministry of Health (1981), 100 grams Job's Tears energy contains 289 cal, 11.0 grams protein, 4.0 grams fat, 61 grams carbohydrates, 213 mg calcium, phosphorus 176 mg, 11 mg of iron, thiamin 0:14 mg, and 23 grams of water. In many seeds contain coixol, coixenolide, coicin, and the amino acid leucine, tyrosine, lisine, glutamic acid, arginine, and histidine. These data indicate Job's Tears contain more protein and other nutrients that are expected to be used as alternative compliance with calories and protein.

Another benefit of Job's Tears plant is its usefulness as a medicine for many diseases. Parts of plants that can be used as a drug is Job's Tears seeds and roots. Some diseases can be aided his recovery, among others, pain of appendicitis, inflammation of the intestine (enteritis), chronic infections and urinary tract stones, urinary bit, purulent urine, swelling (edema), give, give, do not come menstruation, vaginal discharge (leuchorhea), pain yellow (jaundice), worms (ascariasis), Rheumatism, such as muscle aches (myalgia), digestive tract tumors such as gastric cancer, lung cancer, cervical cancer (cervix), warts (warts), eczema, pneumonia, fever, cough and shortness of .
Although very little literature or research results that support and test the effectiveness peyembuhan Job's Tears for various diseases as mentioned above, from the experience and wisdom of local communities in various areas that traditionally have proved the efficacy of this plant as an herbal remedy plant diseases. It seems very necessary clinical studies and modern science to find the active substance in this plant as a potential source of herbal medicine, hopefully.
Kabelan Kunia, Biotechnology Research Center ITB Gedung Aplikasi & Integrasi (PAU), 5th Floor, Jln. Ganeca 10 Bandung -40132 .*** [PIKIRAN RAKYAT 18082011]