Hackers exploit security holes more aggressive in cyberspace. In the future, hackers can attack the human body.
At a security conference in Las Vegas, security researcher Jay Radcliffe showing how to stop the function of two medical devices commonly used to treat diabetes that can harm patients. All of this activity is done via the Internet.
Equipment susceptible to such attacks is the insulin pump, which can be controlled remotely. In this instrument gauges paired wireless glucose monitors blood sugar levels, CGM (continuous glucose meter). Every five minutes, this information is passed to the tool insulin pump attached to the arm.
"Wireless communications to wireless pump is not safe. This equipment is not designed to patch security holes," he said. "These devices are most vulnerable to attack hackers."
Wireless electronic devices, such as smart cellular phones or tablet computers, generally have a security system provided by the vendor patches regularly. This firmware update process to make hackers work harder to penetrate the security system.
Radcliffe tried to understand the technical specifications of CGM. He found the communication between the body sensors and monitors can be done without having to identify who the recipient of the data. Chips in a device similar to that used on computer networks in the world auto industry.
A virus designed and inserted into the USB devices that communicate on radio frequency and can be purchased easily through eBay for $ 20. Virus Radcliffe experimental results can lead to blood kadargula monitors stopped working at once deadly insulin pump.
Without enough insulin, diabetics will suffer from blurred vision and kidney damage in the long run. If it continues, the patient began to sweat and loss of motor function, respiratory system failure, and death.
Radcliffe artificial virus is only to show the security holes on the equipment supporting human health. "The danger is always lurking, we can not simply ignore," he said. "Nobody wants to pave the insulin pump 15 years ago, but many smart people out there who can do it."
Is this bad news or a sign for us to be more vigilant? That depends on you.*** [LIVESCIENCE | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3616]