Research In Motion (RIM) introduced the BlackBerry Messenger version 6 (BBM 6) which support the Connected BBM applications, allowing users to connect to fellow users to share applications.
For example, when users BBM 6 download the exciting games and can be played by several people, he can invite friends to play game and sharing applications while chatting in real time without leaving the game.
"BBM 6 marked the beginning of social networking experience better for users of BlackBerry smartphones," said Alistair Mitchell, Vice President of Platform and Integrated Services BBM RIM, said in a statement yesterday.
To be able to get instant messaging services more integrated, users can download at
BlackBerry App World. Mitchell added that the presence of BBM 6 open opportunities for developers to enrich the content of their application.
In addition, the BlackBerry Messenger 6 can be used to check in at the Foursquare and send notifications to friends of the existence of its users. The terms BlackBerry phones that can run BBM 6 at least using the BlackBerry OS 5.0 platform and later.
Some applications are already integrated in the BBM 6 service, including location-based social networking applications, Koprol and Foursguare; game developer Magmic and Elistas; and media, Huffington-Post and ScoreMedia.
*** [RINI K | KORAN TEMPO 3607]
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