Research in Motion (RIM) is developing a new smart mobile phone, BlackBerry Colt, who runs the QNX operating system. That is the same platform with the tablet BlackBerry Playbook.
Citing BGR technology website, the BlackBerry mobile phone plans have a Colt single-core processors and will be launched in the first quarter of next year. But the schedule is still tentative, depending on internal test results.
The presence of the BlackBerry platform QNX RIM has actually been promised some time ago. This Canadian company is already square off to make phone with dual-core processor speed 1 GHz. But unfortunately, the first Colt to BlackBerry phones installed QNX only single-core chips.
In addition to QNX is developing smart phone, RIM has recently introduced a smartphone with the latest platform, the BlackBerry 7. There are five mobile phone that "trusted" to run this latest operating system.
The cell phone is the BlackBerry Bold 9900, 9930, and the Torch 9810, 9850, and 9860. BlackBerry operating system 7 is claimed to have faster performance than previous generations, especially for surfing the Internet.
*** [BGR | RINI K | KORAN TEMPO 3622]
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