According to Prof. Dr. Zaghlul Raghib al-Najjar, in the Main Book of Scientific Miracles of the Prophet Hadith, olive tree or branch is one ingredient that can be transformed into the best Siwak, as the words of the Prophet Muhammad. narrated by Muadh ibn Jabal, "The best siwak are olive trees which are endowed. That's my Siwak and Siwak's the prophets before me."
While the fruit, which has a fat content between 12% - 3o% and rich in many vitamins (especially vitamin E and A) and minerals (iron, potassium, and kallium) plus "stack" of antioxidants, can be used as a healthy hunger procrastinators.
Unfortunately, it tastes very bitter and contain glycosides which can cause irritation of the digestive tract, the olives should not be consumed directly, but need to be processed first, by the way:
- Spanish method, using a fermentation process that includes several stages, namely fresh fruit immersion using a solution of caustic soda to reduce the bitter taste of nature. Then washing and soaking again with saline solution that will stimulate the fermentation process as well as changing the color to the typical green.
- Greek method, using the black olives as the base ingredients, fermented in brine for 6 months (without the use of caustic soda before). In this way, the fruit skin will experience shrinkage, but the level of bitterness is low.
- American methods. This method is done by soaking the olives in brine, but not fermented. The next fruit is packed in a state of half-ripe, when the color changes from yellow to red again soaked in lye and dried in the open air. This process causes the color of the fruit to turn black.
Olive Oil
Olive oil is a product of the result if the olives are believed to have many benefits. Say for example in treating the body's beauty, especially in order to maintain the beauty of hair. Through the application of evenly throughout the hair, from base to tip, this material is believed to keep your pride crown beam.
As for removing frown lines on the face and prevent premature aging, quite done with wiped with a little massage on dry bagjan wrinkled, then silence for 15 minutes, to further rinsed in warm water.
Of course to be able to reap the benefits of olive oil was chosen to be high quality, which generally has a characteristic look clear, golden-green or golden yellow, when it feels warm and smooth taste on the tongue, and slightly bitter or spicy.
In addition, notice period expiration. One study conducted by experts from the University of Foggia, Italy, by analyzing the various types of olive oils produced plantations in several villages in the country, concluded that the efficacy of olive oil that seals had been opened only last up to six months. Moreover, olive oil will lose a lot of useful substances.
Another thing, the researchers suggest anyway to store the oil in little bottles, the maximum size of one liter in order to avoid oxidation at a temperature of 20°-25° Celsius.
Long-Lasting Satiety
In addition to used as outside "elixir", olive oil was also able to be used as dining companions. The Arabs and some even make an additional ingredient to eat bread or mixed with various kinds of other dishes.
Scientists from the National Institutes of Health and Medical Research in Bordeaux, France, found, turned out such practices can bring benefits to health, especially in preventing the occurrence of stroke.
The results of their studies at 7,625 Frenchmen aged 65 years and over, in three major cities - Bordeaux, Dijon and Montpellier - for five years, which in the study period 148 people found volunteers had a stroke, concludes an intensive consumer of olive oil can decrease the risk 41 percent lower for this disease are compared with those who never eat them.
In addition to used as outside "drugs", olive oil was also able to be used as dining companions. The Arabs and some even make an additional ingredient to eat bread or mixed with various kinds of other dishes.
The study further found, apparently "rogue elements" who became the cause of lasting satiety is oleic acid (C18: 1), ie, monounsaturated fatty acids are indeed a lot has (between 55% - 83%).
Daniele Piomelli, a professor of pharmacology at the University of California, Irvine, and colleagues, proving giving infusion in laboratory mice using oleic acid derived from olive oil. They found that the element will then be converted into a fat messenger called oleoylethanolamide (OEA).
OEA has a way of working such as anandamide, a cannabinoid naturally found in the human brain, which will promote and create a feeling of comfort is longer, up to increased sensitivity to the hormone leptin, and giving signals to the brain that you are in a state of satiety.
Thus, if a meal when you wake up late, until the time of dining not as usual, while the dish was presented as it is, but you do not want to immediately smitten hungry to make olive oil as one of your meals is the answer.
However, if you do not have olive oil, you are advised to look for other foodstuffs that are rich in oleic acid as a replacement - of the review of literature known, one ingredient is peanuts. Called S. Ketaren, Author of Introduction to Oils and Fats Food Technology, oleic acid content of peanuts is equal to 42.3% - 61.1 %.*** [YUGA PRAMITA | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 18082011]
Olive oil is a product of the result if the olives are believed to have many benefits. Say for example in treating the body's beauty, especially in order to maintain the beauty of hair. Through the application of evenly throughout the hair, from base to tip, this material is believed to keep your pride crown beam.
As for removing frown lines on the face and prevent premature aging, quite done with wiped with a little massage on dry bagjan wrinkled, then silence for 15 minutes, to further rinsed in warm water.
Of course to be able to reap the benefits of olive oil was chosen to be high quality, which generally has a characteristic look clear, golden-green or golden yellow, when it feels warm and smooth taste on the tongue, and slightly bitter or spicy.

Another thing, the researchers suggest anyway to store the oil in little bottles, the maximum size of one liter in order to avoid oxidation at a temperature of 20°-25° Celsius.
Long-Lasting Satiety
In addition to used as outside "elixir", olive oil was also able to be used as dining companions. The Arabs and some even make an additional ingredient to eat bread or mixed with various kinds of other dishes.
Scientists from the National Institutes of Health and Medical Research in Bordeaux, France, found, turned out such practices can bring benefits to health, especially in preventing the occurrence of stroke.
The results of their studies at 7,625 Frenchmen aged 65 years and over, in three major cities - Bordeaux, Dijon and Montpellier - for five years, which in the study period 148 people found volunteers had a stroke, concludes an intensive consumer of olive oil can decrease the risk 41 percent lower for this disease are compared with those who never eat them.
In addition to used as outside "drugs", olive oil was also able to be used as dining companions. The Arabs and some even make an additional ingredient to eat bread or mixed with various kinds of other dishes.

Daniele Piomelli, a professor of pharmacology at the University of California, Irvine, and colleagues, proving giving infusion in laboratory mice using oleic acid derived from olive oil. They found that the element will then be converted into a fat messenger called oleoylethanolamide (OEA).
OEA has a way of working such as anandamide, a cannabinoid naturally found in the human brain, which will promote and create a feeling of comfort is longer, up to increased sensitivity to the hormone leptin, and giving signals to the brain that you are in a state of satiety.
Thus, if a meal when you wake up late, until the time of dining not as usual, while the dish was presented as it is, but you do not want to immediately smitten hungry to make olive oil as one of your meals is the answer.
However, if you do not have olive oil, you are advised to look for other foodstuffs that are rich in oleic acid as a replacement - of the review of literature known, one ingredient is peanuts. Called S. Ketaren, Author of Introduction to Oils and Fats Food Technology, oleic acid content of peanuts is equal to 42.3% - 61.1 %.*** [YUGA PRAMITA | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 18082011]