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Monday, July 18, 2011

Why Should We Sit Up Straight ?

The mother never tired of asking their children to sit or stand up straight and not bent. It proved to be very good advice. Sitting or standing with bent position not only gave the impression not good, but it also can make a physically weak.
Studies conducted from the USC Marshall Scott Wiltermuth School of Business and Vanessa K. Bohns from the JL Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, Canada, showed that the dominant posture can reduce sensitivity to pain. The study, published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology found, simply by applying the body poses a more dominant, people will feel much stronger, able to control, and can withstand higher stress. The results of their research suggests that people who use the dominant posture can overcome the pain with more relaxed than those who were ordered to take a neutral or submissive poses. Wiltermuth and Bohns develop previous research showing that people who interact posture "with the poses and you will affect your behavior. In this case, they found that applying pose pose the subject in response to a more dominant showing a lower threshold to pain. When most people curl up into a ball when they feel sick, this research suggests people do the opposite. "Crouching will only make people feel more pain because it makes you feel you have no control over the situation, and increasingly intensify the anticipation of pain," said Bohns.*** [SCIENCEDAILY | ATM | KORAN TEMPO 3590]
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