Wednesday, July 20, 2011

When the Appendix was Acting

The appendix is often associated with consumption of some fruits that contain seeds, such as guava, tomatoes, and peppers. Though no studies that confirm that the grain which is the cause of diseases of the appendix.

Diseases of the appendix is ​​caused by inflammation followed by swelling in the appendix. Inflammation is due to a blockage caused by impurities such as residual food or feces that stray, parasites that breed, then clog the lumen or fluid appendix.

The source of inflammation is also emerging as a result of enlarged lymph tissue in the wall of the appendix due to infection of the digestive tract or elsewhere. An inflamed appendix will harm if not immediately removed. Appendix can rupture and infection can spread throughout the abdomen.

Anyone can be affected by this disease, both children from the age of 10 years and in adults. But the prevalence, male one and a half times as likely to get appendicitis often than women. Especially in male adolescents and adults.

Generally the patient will experience the classic symptoms are easily identified. Especially abdominal pain on the right, starting near the navel and moves lower to the right. This pain often appears suddenly and make people wake up at night. The pain will increase in a matter of hours.

With some of these symptoms, the doctor usually will ask medical history and physical check of the patient. The doctor will look at the patient's stomach and felt the bottom to see the swelling. The doctor will put pressure on certain areas in the abdomen.

Generally, doctors will also check the patient psoas sign. Patients are asked to bend his right knee to lift your right thigh up high while lying down. This is to see the severity of this infection.

But in women of childbearing age are also asked to undergo a pelvic examination is possible. Physicians need to clarify, whether the pain that occurs due to appendicitis or gynecological disease that sometimes the symptoms are not too different.

Diagnosis can also be done by examining the rectum and blood tests to check for signs of infection. If it is not convinced, will usually be advised to undergo radiological examination with ultrasound or CT scan.

To cure the disease if it is acute, the doctor will usually advise patients to undergo immediate surgery. Shadow scalpel often makes the patient back and look for other non-surgical treatment alternatives.

Non-surgical treatment is still possible if the condition of the patient is not healthy enough for surgery or diagnosis not clear. Several studies have shown that non-surgical treatments are also better. Ie treating the infection with antibiotics and a liquid diet until the infection subsides. Diets low in fiber soft and easily damaged in the gastrointestinal tract.

If the infection is severe enough, could not help but surgery or surgery to bypass this appendix must be done. The operation can be done with an open incision or with laparoscopy, namely by making several small incisions are made in accordance with the scope of his surgical.

Patients with infection of the appendix will recover within 4-6 months. Although not necessary dietary changes, exercise, or lifestyle, the patient should limit physical activity for tissue recovery. During recovery, the patient should stay away from foods that stimulate the first, such as spicy foods. However, after that, the patient should not eat anything without any restrictions.

There is no proven way to prevent, but are encouraged to consume high-fiber foods, like vegetables and fruits. This high-fiber foods help lower the risk. Green vegetables, like cabbage, cauliflower, peas, beans, and tomatoes, helps protect against appendicitis.*** [DIGESTIVE.NIDOK.NIH.GOV | NEWS.YAHOO.COM | PDFBE.COM | DIAN YULIASTUTI | KORAN TEMPO 3493]
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