Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Vaccine Cat Allergy Remedy

Cats are one of the pets that many people enjoy. But many people are allergic to cats, Never hug, is near the cat alone makes him sneeze.
Although many people consider cat hair as a cause runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, and itchy suffered, in fact allergies are caused by bits of dead animal's skin. Dead skin and cat's saliva contains an allergen, the protein allergens. Microscopic particles that are very smooth and spread in the air for long periods and cause allergies when entering the respiratory tract allergy sufferers. About 10 percent of people in the world is allergic to cats. At this time, the solution is to keep a distance with the animal or the shape of the body tolerance to repeated injection of cat allergens, but the process takes a long time. To help the cat get rid of allergies, Mark Larche, immunologists from McMaster University, making new vaccines. Although not yet ready for the market, the study Larche and his team showed that the vaccine was safe. The vaccine was also effective in reducing allergic reactions. Larche and his team developed the vaccine with a protein isolate cats that often cause allergic reactions. They used blood samples from people who are allergic to cats to determine which proteins bind to segments of the cat in order to activate immune cells. Allergic reactions occur when the immune system interprets the true harmless substance, such as dead skin a cat, as the enemy and attack. Scientists create synthetic versions of peptide segments and mix into the seven synthetic peptide vaccine. The idea is the immune system will face a tangle of peptides, which correspond to immune cells, such as keys in the lock, and recognize it as a harmless substance. The move will stop the sneezing, runny nose, even when the peptide was actually binding to proteins kuncing the original. The vaccine could also be used to reduce allergic reactions to pollens. The vaccine is equivalent to using the extract of pollen allergy treatment for 12 weeks.*** [LIVESCIENCE | KORAN TEMPO 3499]

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