Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Scientists grow a human heart

United States Scientists is experimenting regenerate human heart. If successful, this experiment result opens hope to millions of sufferers of heart disease.
A regenerative medicine expert from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, United States, who participated in this experiment, Dr. Doris Taylor, said to regenerate heart, is still required from the donor heart. Scientists then separate the muscle from the donor heart tissue collagen. This network acts as a framework for a new heart cells taken from the patient's heart. New heart cells injected in order to collagen is expected to grow as an active heart. "The heart is developing. We hope in the next few weeks may show signs of beating," said Taylor. If the experiment is successful, patients with heart disease will be easier to get a heart transplant because of heart cells derived from the patient's own body. During heart transplant surgery is highly dependent on the suitability of a transplanted organ by the patient's body. Patients should also take drugs all her life in order to increase the immune system. This experiment is also an entrance for the possibility of growing organs liver, lung, and kidney. Experimental heart grow organs have been carried out since several years ago. In 2007, a group of doctors from the UK to grow a human heart valves using stem cells taken techniques from tujang marrow. A year later, scientists successfully grow the heart of an animal for the first time. The team, led by Taylor himself has created a beating heart to rats and pigs. But the heart is still too weak to be grafted to the animal. Travel for transplantation is still the heart grow long. However, Taylor said, we've opened the door for the possibility of growing organs for transplantation in humans .*** [DAILY MAIL | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3493]

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