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Friday, July 22, 2011

Scientists discover secret extend the life

A team of American researchers, led by Bill Andrews, claimed to discover the secrets of longevity. They make drugs that protect telomeres, part of the DNA, which is considered as the key to the aging process.
However, it is not considered safe for humans. Therefore, the test was first performed in dogs and cats in pet food by adding this. So far, scientists think that aging is caused by genes that shorten telomeres in our lives. "We found a way to slow or even reverse this depreciation," said Bill Andrews, as quoted by the Sunday Times earlier this week. Bill Andrews, a scientist based in the Sierra Nevada and the founder of Sciences, founded the company that produces enzymes to reverse the aging process. This enzyme induces the cell to produce telomerase and protect it from decay. Andrews new findings will be presented at a conference in Cambridge in August. According to Andrews, nearly 40 different substances can contribute to the production of this enzyme. "That drives the cells produce telomerase, and this became a great medical advances," he said. But Andrews did not rush to apply in humans. Understandably, it will require a rigorous medical studies and long. As a result, in the near future, the enzyme will be used for pets. "The rule is less stringent and large market potential." Indeed the market for pet medications developed rapidly in recent years. Britons spend more than 800 million pounds sterling per year for drugs for 16 million cats and dogs. Treatment includes insulin injections, arthritis, and indigestion tablets. Number of the company has even started selling treadmills for pets-legged to keep healthy and fit.*** [DAILYMAIL | UWD | KORAN TEMPO 3596]
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