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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Russia Launched a Telescope Into Orbit

Russia launched the Spektr-R radio telescope into orbit. Spektr-R Telescope, which is formed from a 10-meter parabolic antenna weighs 3.8 tons, it will operate for five years.
Initially, this telescope will be launched in 2005, but continued to be delayed due to technical constraints. Zenit-3F rocket on Monday (July 18, 2011), lifting the telescope from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, into its position in space. The telescope will revolve around the earth in elliptical orbit with a closest distance of 1,000 kilometers and the longest distance 330 thousand kilometers. The telescope was registered as part of a global network of radio telescopes called Radioastron. In orbit, Spektr-R will take photos strange objects in the depths of the universe, such as black holes, neutron stars, and interstellar plasma. "Spektr-R complementary observations of global interferometer," said the Russian space agency officials commented on the launch of the Spektr-R. Interferometer is one of the design of astronomical observation system that involves a lot of telescope for a more detailed vision. Own global network of radio telescopes combine various separate telescopes on earth and in space to form one giant telescope. Therefore, during operation later, Spektr-R has the ability to separate the details of 100 thousand times better than the Hubble Space Telescope made by NASA.*** [SPACE | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3596]
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