Friday, July 15, 2011

Rubber Chips, Spectacular Energy Sources

Used for Mobile Phones to Medical Devices
Princeton University engineers can take advantage of the films (thin layer) of natural rubber are transformed into sophisticated devices as a power cell phones and various other devices. Rubber chips from the material, they also turn it into chips that can follow the movements of the body's flexibility, such as respiratory movements, walking, even into energy pacemaker. Rubber chips is converted into matter, which consists of ceramic nanoribbons grown into sheets of silicone rubber, and capable of generating electrical energy when flexed and highly efficient in converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. It is not impossible that one day, shoes made of patent material that is able to invite the wearer to walk and run like the power of the car. If placed near the lungs, the sheet of material containing these energies can help to respiratory movement or a pacemaker. This will avoid the need for battery replacement, time after surgery. a working paper technology joint research between the hi-tech and natural materials have been published online on May 26 last in the website of Nano Letters. Mechanical expert team of Princeton was the first to successfully combine the "Silicon nanoribbons" and "Plumbum Zirconate titanate" (PZT) ceramic material and "piezoelectric", the result is extraordinary. Mixture of elements that turned out to produce high voltage electrical energy when given the pressure on him. From the results of intensive research for several years, it turns out all piezoelectric materials, PZT results are very efficient. The material formed can convert 80% of electrical energy so the mechanical energy. "PZT materials were 100 times more efficient than quartz and other piezoelectric materials," said Michael Mc Alpine, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, at Princeton, who led the project's development. "You certainly are not powerless will not even be able to walk atan breathe without this renewable energy so that you utilize efisen energy sources as quickly as possible," he said. The researchers, using PZT nanoribons first strip, which is so narrow with size 100 in accordance with sides in the space of a millimeter, in a separate process, planted the ribbon into a silicone rubber sheet is created what they called "piezo-rubber chip" because silicon is bio-compatible which is already used as cosmetic devices and implantable medical devices. Mc Alpine said that the new power source from the device can be planted teryata patent (inplant) in the body to emit electrical energy continuously on medical devices. "From that amazing, it turns the body does not reject such inplant tool," says McAlpine. In addition to power generation can be when bent, otherwise capable of producing the material flexes when an electric current radiating to her. This can open the door to other types of applications, such as is used for microsurgical devices. "McAlpine said that this is a miracle because the energy emitted is very scalable," said Yi Qi, a postdoctoral researcher who worked with McAlpine. "When we made 'chips these chips', we think we will be able to make a larger sheet, which can generate electric power is greater than ever," he said. Researchers at Princeton University, USA said, the performance of rubber chips, are basically similar to conventional electronic-based silicon dry, however, natural ingredients from the tropics it has advantages compared with silicon. "Silicon microelectronics from the rubber chips have become successful technology 'spectacular', which touches nearly every part of our life in this century," said Professor John Rogers of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, one of the authors of the paper work. The nature of the rigid and brittle silicon makes the material very attractive for various applications, especially as biomedical implants. Zhenqiang Ma, professor at the University of Wisconsin Madison, who also worked on silicone rubber circuit said the new research on the rubber chips is an "important step" in the applied sciences. "Completely integrated, because the circuit can be bent and has been discussed for many years. It has not shown results, but through a complicated research ahirnya find a spectacular discovery," he told BBC News. At the microscopic level these strips, rubber chips, it has the structure of the wave that behaves like an accordion bellows. This allows the stretching occurs in one direction. This wave of accordion bellows geometry, bonded to the rubber film. The overall structure can be stretched, "he said. Using a flexible material, the researchers were able to show off, flexible circuit components like transistors. The new work features complete silicon rubber chips, known as integrated circuits (IC), can be pulled in two directions on which mode is more complex. "To do this, we must figure out how to make the entire circuit in an ultra-thin format," said Professor Rogers. The team has developed a method, which can generate a complete circuit with a thickness of only one and a half microns (millionths of a meter). This thick hundreds of times thinner than conventional silicon circuits on a PC (personal computer ).*** [DEDI RISKOMAR | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 07072011]

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