Friday, July 8, 2011

Red Wine is useful for astronauts

Resveratrol in red wine known as the healthy womb. Recent studies have suggested that it could prevent the decline in body functions in humans who are lazy to exercise or explorers in space. The human body needs physical activity to maintain muscle mass, bone strength, and ability to process insulin. Unfortunately, the demands of this difficult man floating in mikrogravitasi locations, such as in space. As a result, people who live in outer space is more easily injured or diseased. "Resveratrol may slow the decline of the function of the human body to physical activity can be done again," said Gerald Weissmann, editor of the journal FASEB biological experimentation. Experiments conducted on mice researchers support this conclusion. Researchers put the mice into space mikrogravitasi. One group of mice given resveratrol intake each day, while the other group were given normal nutrition. Research shows that mice do not consume resveratrol decreased muscle mass and bone mineral density, as well as having resistance to insulin. In contrast, another group of mice mengasup specific content of red wine did not show signs of decline. Researchers also concluded that the content of resveratrol could prevent the adverse effects of modern human lifestyles are lazy to move. "You can enjoy the resveratrol in red wine while enjoying the journey tracing the Milky Way," Weissmann said.*** [SCIENCEDAILY|ANTON WILLIAM|KORAN TEMPO 3579]

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