Monday, July 25, 2011

QR Codes Make It Easy In the Search Process

The entire life of the world are based on certain codes. Humans can become better, when applying the code to match her own. The shape of these codes vary, based on to what the code was made and who will use it. Some codes have specific meanings, such as the code on food or drinks in supermarkets.
When we want to buy some food, before you pay, the self-service waiter will scan the codes that are in the food packaging. Which form the vertical bar is called barcode. With bar-code, we can easily categorize and identify an item. However, as the development of technology, scientists have created a code that its utility is better than the barcode. Then discovered QR codes, QR codes are a type of matrix code or two-dimensional bar code developed by Denso Wave, a division of Denso Corporation, which is one Japanese company and published in 1994 with the main functionality that can be easily read by the scanner. QR stands for guick response, which corresponds to the goal is to convey information quickly and get a response sooner. Unlike the bar code (barcode), which only store information horizontally, QR code capable of storing information horizontally and vertically. Therefore, automatically QR code can contain more information than bar-code. Initially, QR codes are used for tracking parts in vehicle manufacturing, but now the QR code is used in a broader context, including commercial applications and ease of tracking-oriented applications aimed at mobile phone users. QR code works like a physical hyperlink, which can store addresses and URLs, phone numbers, text, and SMS that can be used in magazines, newspaper letters, advertisements, signs on buses, business cards, or other media. Or in other words, as quickly connecting online content (in networking) and offline content (outside network). The presence of this code allows the audience to interact with the media through mobile phones ditempelinya effectively and efficiently. Users can also generate and print their own QR code for others, by visiting one of several encyclopedias QR codes. In addition, QR design allows users to incorporate company logos, video clips or photos into QR code, without losing the substance of any information from the source are included. QR code usage example in which load content video clips is a QR code that is used by the singer of British group called Pet Shop Boys in 2007. When the code is scanned correctly, then the user will be redirected to the site Pet Shop Boys. In addition, in 2009 QR codes used for marketing campaigns Movie 9 at San Diego Comic Con. At that time, customers are given a card that displays a QR code that has been integrated with the artwork in question. Thus, customers can access the footage via the QR code. QR codes can be utilized as food security by adding a QR code, which contains data on nutrient content and expiry dates on any food label, so customers can feel more secure in choosing the food they buy, because they can find out information about food them. QR Code can also be provided at bus stops, so passengers can know where the bus is being awaited. The way it works is by providing hyperlinks to the CCTV cameras on every street through the Internet connection on the phone. Furthermore, QR codes can be mounted on a student card, that will facilitate the attendance of students, facilitate access for students, teachers, and parents to the information learning process. QR codes can be used on phones that have a QR code reader application and have internet access WiFi or GPRS or 3G to connect the phone with the targeted sites through the QR code. Customers, which in this case is to enable mobile phone users just need QR code reader program, directing the camera to QR codes, QR code reader then the program will automatically scan the data that has been embedded in the QR code. If the QR code contains the address of a site, then the customer can directly access the site without having to first type in the address of the destination site. If you want access to a QR code with the phone without a camera, so the first thing to be done by the user is to run the first application of the existing browser on the phone, and enter the URL of the page in question, then enter the "ID" or 7 digit number listed below code and click the Go button, the user will obtain the desired digital content. It is certainly easier for the customer in getting the information supplied by business owners. Excess QR code than bar codes, but can hold more information, QR code also has a smaller size than the barcodes when printed. QR code level of damage is very small, so when it breaks even, the scanner can still identify the QR code. QR Code can also be scanned in all directions (360 degrees), so the possibility of failure in reading the QR code is very small.*** [ZULFI NUGRAHA | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 21072011]

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