Bird species behavior attracted the attention Dalila Bovet researchers from the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Defense and his team. They do research on pigeons, which can recognize human faces.
The study was conducted at one of the park in Paris France, they experimented by feeding a group of pigeons. The way the two researchers, who are physically similar but differently colored lab coats, the one who let the pigeons eat the feed provided, while others repel pigeons who want to eat. This experiment is performed several times.
The result, pigeons always avoid investigators that repel, even though investigators were no longer drive them. Both researchers had tried to exchange a jacket. However, the results remain the same. "Apparently, pigeons without special training can recognize facial characteristics of people, not the lab coat that covered 90 percent of the body," says Bovet.
They theorized that the ability of pigeons is growing, after pigeon contact with humans in a long time. Previously, some studies have found that there are species of birds that have the ability to recall and recognition. In 2009, a kind of crow birds cue the human eye can recognize the familiar, he can also recognize gestures like pointing.
Birds are able to recognize food, when a person's eyes look back and forth from the food to the birds. Species are also responding when someone pointed to the food. Nonetheless, the bird did not respond when a stranger who gave the instructions.
*** [NATGEO | ID | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 21072011]
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