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Friday, July 8, 2011

People On Diet

People who diet tend to believe in the message on food packaging than not. They also tend to be easily fooled by the name of the food, and assume certain foods are healthier than other foods.
For example consider salad healthier than pasta. Or candy fruit is healthier than regular candy. Meanwhile, people who are not dieting does not discriminate against them. Research by the University of South Carolina and published in the Journal of Consumer Research in August 2011 issue of the 520 people it proves, as fixated on the name and label the food, pendiet even eat more than the recommended servings. People who are dieting to lose weight is very important to recognize hunger, because appetite can be deceiving. This shows how your hunger is genuine or not,
  1. Physical hunger emerge gradually, while starving its sudden emotional.
  2. When the stomach is empty and a little pain, belching sound emerged. This is the real hunger.
  3. Real hunger can be overcome with what food too. But, if felt only certain foods that can meet the "hunger", it is not real hunger.
  4. Wait 10 minutes before the meet that hunger. Busy themselves with various activities that can distract. After that, if the taste is still there, that's actually hungry.
  5. Drink at least eight glasses of water per day. Many people mistakenly feel thirst as hunger. So, try drinking glass of water, then wait 10 minutes. If the hunger is still. There, it is a real hunger.
  6. Brush your teeth or gargle with mouthwash mint flavor, according to some experts, could divert our minds from false hunger.*** [HEALTHDAY|SHINE|UTAMI|KORAN TEMPO 3559]
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