Friday, July 22, 2011

Parrots Named His Children

Humans are not the only creatures who give names to their children. Parent parrot was also a nickname for their baby.
Researchers have long suspected the family parrot behavior. But they never knew how parrots name their son. From this curiosity, ornitologis from Cornell University, Karl Berg, exchanged eggs in many of the cage since 1987. In this experiment, he placed the chicks to a pair of parrots parent. The result, the parent teach parrots chicks several calls so that the baby is able to recognize the call given to him. Giving a nickname is believed to be an attempt to distinguish the parent parrots children. "The important development is that when babies begin to recognize the sound patterns of adults with a certain sense," Berg said in a paper in the Proceedings of The Royal Society B. "Our research suggests the introduction of this process also occurs in parrots." Giving a name to the child are common in humans. Some animals also do this as it occurs in dolphins. Interestingly, naming in children was conducted by an animal that has high social skills. Giving his own name to identify the line of family relationships and individual distinction.*** [WIRED | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3595]

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