Thursday, July 21, 2011

The New Face of Ötzi

His body was still wrapped goat leather pants and leather straps wrapped but now meets the forehead wrinkles and his eyes. Her face was not as tight as before. This is the new face of Ötzi, the mummy 5.300-year-old ice man found in the Alps.

The results of the latest reconstruction of Ötzi. This marks the 20th anniversary of the discovery of the mummies on September 19, 2011. South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology in Bolzano, Italy, an Ötzi last resort since he was found in the Ötz Valley, borders Italy and Austria, held a special exhibition for the ice man was from March 1, 2011 through January 15, 2012, titled "Ötzi20-Life. Science. Fiction. Reality ".

Especially for the opening of the exhibition, the museum's archaeological asked the Netherlands reconstruction and artists, two brothers Adrie and Alfons Kennis, in order to re-invent the Ötzi's face. It combines the art of facial reconstruction and forensic science, including three-dimensional image of the skull.

Comparison of the old face with the new one (see picture above).

Ötzi the new face showed a man with eyes that protrudes into the deep, long nose, sunburned skin, coarse and thinning hair. Detailed results of the reconstruction is very similar to humans, the color of his skin began to wrinkle the smallest on the eyebrows and beard disheveled. Only the color of his eyes that can not be excavated, so Kennis chose brown to Ötzi.

"Representation of Ötzi the sensitive and accurate it will captivate and inspire people around the world," said Angelika Fleckinger, Director of the Museum of South Tyrol. "This reconstruction is to give a face to our history, in the true sense."

Ötzi was first discovered by hikers in 1991 in the Ötztal region, the Alps. Since then, scientists have examined each side of the mummy's body, even the sites and artifacts buried with Ötzi's body for clues about life, death, and the descendants of men who lived between 3350 and 3100 BC.

For years, scientists have added a lot of detail on the figure of Ötzi. He is 159 centimeters tall man, arthritic and infected with whipworm, and 46-year-old. That old age is long enough for a man on the Copper Age, the early third millennium BC.

The scientists also showed that the cause of death was loss of blood caused by an arrow that injured his left shoulder. But there is one question unanswered, such as whether the way he was during his lifetime.

At the time are found, Ötzi was wearing goat leather pants and some sort of short cloak of woven grass. Axes of copper and quiver full of arrows lying nearby.

Ötzi has inspired many artistic interpretations and reconstructions. One of them is a British artist, Marilene Oliver, who translated the results of CT scanning Ötzi mummy into a plot point. He drilled the dots into the acrylic sheet, which are stacked and combined to create three-dimensional representation of these mummies.*** [TJANDRA DEWI | LIVESCIENCE | ICEMAN | ÖTZI20 | KORAN TEMPO 3479]

Equipment Ice Man
The discovery of Ötzi the Neolithic man reveals the life inhabiting the Alps at 5,000 years ago. In normal conditions of conservation, clothing and goods brought man the ice must have been broken long ago. Ötzi bring equipment that is enough to be away from home for long periods, such as an ax. With that equipment, he can improve and create new equipment.

Ötzi carry a piece of wood along the arc of 1.82 meters on its way

Belts and bags.
His belt is made from calf leather wide as 5 inches around his waist. Leather bags used to store equipment, ranging scrapers, drills, until the pieces of flint and tinder fungus (Fomes fomentarius), to ignite the fire.

Clothes and Goat Skin Pants.
Ötzi was wearing goat skin with the fur facing out. Pants only cover the thighs and calves, each tied with a rope to the waist. Arc-shaped leather sewn into the waist with rope.

Blade length of 13 cm consists of a stone yahg sharpened like a knife and wood ash as a handle. Dagger is stored in the bark and grass woven triangular mounted on his belt.

Such as pants, shoes Ötzi also form the most ancient in the world. His shoes made up the outside and inside. The inside is made of woven grass. While the exterior is made of deerskin. Both are tied on the soles are made of bearskin. The skin around the ankles bound with grass fibers.*** [KORAN TEMPO 3479]

3D Modeling
Ötzi is indeed the new face looks much older than the human reconstruction of the ice before, which shows a man aged about 40 years now. Two Dutch artists who believed that reconstruction, Adrie and Alfons Kennis, stating Ötzi does look older because of the harsh climate eroded.

They claim the reconstruction effort is based on a number of recent scientific findings, including CT scanning scans.

Ötzi the reconstruction of the mummy that has been dried it can be realized thanks stereolithografy techniques. Inl technique is standard procedure for the prototype construction, and was first tested in human medicine research ice in 1992. Since then, these techniques become essential tools to prepare for a complicated medical treatment.
This process involves the use of liquid plastics, such as epoxy resin, which hardened by firing a laser beam to create a model of three-dimensional (3D).

However, before the construction of Ötzi the model can be done, the company Zumtobel in Dornbirn, Austria, designed the 3D skull replica of the data collected from the latest scan of the mummy was 5,300 years. Reconstruction of Kennis brothers just made it much leblh accurate and realistic. Ötzi postures and expressions will give a more lively personality to a man from the Alps. The new vision is also supported by various research findings last few years.*** [ÖTZI20 | KORAN TEMPO 3479]
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