Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Negative Effects of Cell Phones to the Vision

There is a tendency of a person viewing the screen smart phone or tablet computer, such as BlackBerry, iPhone and iPad, closer than when reading newspapers or books.
It turns out bad tendencies affect eyesight. A study shows how modern technology makes the vision becomes blurred. The research was conducted on 129 smart phone users. They were asked to indicate how to hold such a powerful tool when reading SMS or explore the virtual world through the Internet. In addition to examining the distance the eye with the phone screen, the researchers evaluated the large letters used on their mobile screen. The goal is to see the correlation between distance phone and type letters. Results showed that the distance between the eyes and the screen's most convenient for to read an SMS or opening Internet pages varies greatly. For example, to read the SMS, most people will hold their phones with a distance of 35 centimeters. While the distance as he opened the Internet an average of 32 centimeters. It turns out that a closer reading distance than when they read a newspaper or book that the average is 40 centimeters. The distance is too close to the phone screen or tablet computers to make the eyes must repeatedly make corrections to the distance seen or known as accommodation. The distance is too close also makes the eyes should continue to go the extra mile to align the two eyes. Things like this do not happen when reading newspapers or books. "Smart phones and other sailing devices make the eyes have to work extra hard to make the vision becomes blurred," the study concluded. Side effects of eye-screen distance is too close to frequently make eye strain and headache. The findings were published in the journal Optometry and Vision Science in July 2011 issue.*** [LIVESCIENCE | FIRMAN | KORAN TEMPO 3589]

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