Mirai Sanzo is the first robot to run with the Android OS. Sanyo-made robot that serves as a controller in the home appliances connected to it such as air conditioning, alarm, etc.
Sanyo announced the Android OS-based robot that serves as a center for home automation. As we know, home automation is a system that allows us to control all equipment and fixtures in the house with only one tool and can even melaiui internet. Mirai Sanzo, a robot with a size of 22 cm in diameter has a touch screen, touch sensors, voice recognition, wi-fi, and can change in seven colors to express "emotions" of the robot.

Mirai Sanzo With this we simply say "turn off the AC" then the AC will die. For the shower did not have to bother for long waiting in the bathtub filled with water. You simply say "bath tub" then you just wait a little while to do something else until the bath is ready.
*** [otk | id | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 21072011]
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