Friday, July 22, 2011

Microsoft : Windows Phone Does Not Run as Expected

Microsoft Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Steve Ballmer acknowledged the development of the Windows operating system Phone does not run as expected. "Compared with competitors, this (Windows Phone) is still very small," said Ballmer in a Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference in Los Angeles, as quoted by the Telegraph website. "Within one year, we are still a small player, even very small."
Since its launch in October last year, the platform is Windows 7 Phone is used only 1 percent of the total smartphone market in the United States. But, behind the "sadness" that, Ballmer safely say this year's Windows 7 Phone will work to achieve success. One key to a successful platform, according to Ballmer, is the belief of Nokia, which certainly will use the operating system on a smartphone. "Nokia and those who use cell phones to a business we believe in excellence," he said. Phone on the Windows platform, which was adopted by Nokia later, Ballmer said, Microsoft will leverage cloud computing functions. The reason, 58 percent of the companies attending the conference have been using cloud computing technology. "We are a company that brings this system to anywhere you are," he said. "And the service will completely transform your business environment.*** [RINI K | KORAN TEMPO 3589]

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