Monday, July 11, 2011

Laptop Batteries Filled While Typing

Another one that allows laptop users, when we typed in then the energy will not decrease, even recharges. Australla Scientists find way to channel the energy we use when typing to provide power for laptops. Thus, the motion carried typing on a laptop will automatically charge the battery energy devices. This is possible by using piezoelectricity.
This method works the same way as moving the lighter for cigarette or cigar that produces sparks of piezoelectric crystals. To provide electrical energy for laptop, it takes the film sheet made of a thinner piezoetectric and developed using nano technology. Layer is very thin films that can cover different parts of the electronic toy and integrated into various types of gadgets. "The energy generated from piezoelectric method can be integrated into running shoes to charge mobile phones. It can also be applied to the laptop to receive energy from the motion of typing," said study co-author, Dr. Madhu Bhaskaran. He even mentions, Piezoelectric method can also be used to alter blood pressure a source of energy for pacemakers with long battery life. However, this idea is still under development and not yet completely implemented. Scientists also are looking for ways to touch screen devices can get energy from swipe motion carried. Unfortunately, they were not sure when this technology is commercially deployed .*** [Mashable | Sri | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 07072011]

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