Friday, July 8, 2011

Know Your Child's Asthma

Fussy child when not feeling well, such as cough and cold, seemingly ordinary. But, if prolonged cough and fussy, has to be suspected, not even reprimanded. "In such conditions, parents should be alert. It could be that children suffer from asthma," says pediatrician Friendship Hospital, Jakarta, Emma Nurhemma. Asthma also appears when a child in distress. "If it were so, do not continue to get yelled" he said. Asthma in children, according to her doctor, will appear with symptoms of shortness of breath, or breath sounds, chest pain, rapid breathing, shortness of breath, difficulty speaking, blue-blue around the mouth or called cyanosis, a threat to stop breathing, even death. "Do not wait until his mouth bluish in children under five," he said in the show "You Can Control Your Asthma" at the Friendship Hospital, Jakarta. Parents should recognize the signs of common cold and cough asthma. "When suspicious of asthma in children, when a stubborn cough." According to her doctors, stubborn cough traits that characterize asthma is a cough lasts longer, at night or early morning becoming more severe; disturb sleep; when coughing, sometimes until the child vomited, and no history of allergies in the family. In addition, "after a trigger cough, cough after the move, although symptoms can be improved, can sometimes arise again after recovery or after a given drug," he said. Once you know the child had asthma, parents need not panic. Look for originators factor. Because, by knowing the trigger, asthma attacks can be avoided. Precipitating factors such as house dust, mites, and cotton in the mattress, pillow bolsters, or a doll. Another factor is cigarette smoke and rontokan fur animals (chickens, dogs, cats, or rabbits). Asthma can also arise because of the cold and stress and fatigue. Can also arise after consuming foods such as chocolate, tomatoes, rambutan, ice or cold drinks, food influential-wet, and food berpenyedap flavor. Parents also need to know the family history of allergies from the line of fathers, mothers, uncles, aunts, and others. Therefore, a history of allergies can jump to the next generation. Form of allergic diseases including asthma, eczema, runny nose and sneezing in the morning or in the morning. Precipitating factors in each child, according to her doctor, not the same. "Direct observation of parents is essential." Asthma attacks also occur in obese children. "The more fat the more he will have an asthma attack," the doctor said Emma. Obesity will make the airways squashed. In obese children, they will suffer twice as heavy. Because, when the attack came, the channel will shrivel and boxed. Addressing asthma in obese children, the first is to reduce weight. After that a new asthma treatment. According to the doctor of physical and rehabilitation specialist, Anita Ratnawati, exercise remains to be done unless the child is taxable under attack, or uncontrolled. "Parents should tell the coach that their child had asthma. To anticipate everything," said Dr. Anita. Some sports are recommended to people with asthma is swimming, sprinting, volleyball, baseball, road cycling, jogging, gymnastics and asthma. "Swimming is great because the buoyancy in the water reduces the burden and fatigue." Before exercising, be aware of weather and air conditions. People with asthma is better not to exercise in cold or hot weather and when the air is contaminated. Also should not exercise excessively tired during the condition. Another suggestion, bring reliever medication during exercise to anticipate the arrival of a surprise attack. "Stop the exercise if the cough, difficulty speaking, appear wheezing, feeling heavy in the chest," the doctor said Emma. These signs may appear during exercise 60-10 minutes or 10-15 minutes after exercise.*** [DIAN YULIASTUTI|KORAN TEMPO 3559]

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