Saturday, July 16, 2011

Javanese Eagle Population Shrinkage

Population Javanese eagle (Spizaetus bartelsi) in Forest Park Raden Soerjo, East Java, are threatened with extinction. Deforestation in the region thought to be the cause of the decline in populations of rare birds. The results of recent monitoring ProFauna, conducted in July 2010 to April 2011, shows the number of Javanese eagle in the Forest Park Raden Soerjo only two. This number decreased when compared with the results of monitoring ProFauna in 2009, who still find there are six.

"The shrinking of the primary forests are the habitat of eagles Java contributes substantially to the reduced population of Javanese eagles," said Chairman ProFauna Indonesia Rosek Nursahid, last Friday.

To maintain the Javanese eagle population in the Forest Park Raden Soerjo, ProFauna requested that the action of the destruction of forest parks and other forests in Java discontinued. Reduced Java eagle population is also affected by the use of pesticides on agricultural land adjacent to the forest.

ProFauna estimate the number of Javanese eagles found in nature is no more than 400 individuals. According to ProFauna, in addition to the Forest Park Raden Soerjo, there are a number of places Javanese eagle's habitat in East Java, such as Sempu Island, Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, Merubetiri National Park, Alas Purwa National Park, Lebakharjo, Pegungan Hyang, and Ijen Crater.

Javanese eagles can live in primary forest from a height of 0 to 3,000 meters above sea level. This is a big bird (60 centimeters), which plays in the food chain as a top predator. This bird of prey on birds and mammals, such as partridges, squirrels, raccoons, jelarang / giant squirrel (ratufa bicolor), and fruit bats.

Javanese eagle growth's is very slow. Javanese eagles can only spawn one item, which will be incubated for about 47 days. After his son was born, during 1.5 years of Javanese eagle's child will live with their mother. These animals are considered mature at age 3 or 4 years and breed only one or two years .*** [BIBIN BINTARIADI | ABDI PURNOMO | KORAN TEMPO 3547]
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