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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

ITB Apply Fish Pond Purifiers Technology

Lecturers and students of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) to develop water purification technology of fish farming ponds in a way to recycle the dirty water pond. In addition to saving water, this innovation could make the fish seed is superior.

Technology aqua culture recirculation system was pioneered by I Gede Suantika since 2001. Initially the system was aimed at developing the zooplankton, the natural food for the fry. But now evolved to produce a superior fish seedlings. "Its production become higher and wastes almost zero waste or no waste," he said at the ITB East Hall, last Saturday.

Water from the fish pond filter applied to the bath first. Tub was filled with pieces of carpet to filter impurities and residual pakannya fish. Furthermore, water is pumped into the protein skimmer pipe tower. Here, the ozone gas sprayed water with hi-blow machine to kill bacteria.

The water flowed back into the tube containing the activated carbon to be filtered. On the last tub or pond biofilter, gravel and water were given bioball. The result is passed back to the fish pond. "So it went, the process, the water could always be clean again," said the lecturer of Ecology Research Group School of Biological Sciences ITB's.

This technology is applied in the laboratory and succeeded in breeding fish cultivation land and sea, such as tilapia, mas, carp, catfish, prawns, barramundi, and bawal.

In the pool, according to research team member Hendrawandi Derrick, age fish harvest also be faster because of feeding can be more without the worry of pond water becomes dirty. With the old way, draining the pool water performed 2 weeks. The harvest of fish could be a month sooner.

Today's technology has been applied to a breeder fish cultivation in Cianjur, West Java. Using two pools, each covering an area of ​​the badminton court and a capacity of 70 tons of fish, appliance installation fee of Rp. 100-120 million. "It is rather expensive in the beginning, but its production can be doubled from the usual," he said. The findings have glimpsed the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia Fadel Muhammad .*** [ANWAR SISWADI | KORAN TEMPO 3587]

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