Not hard become the one who more loving environment. We can start by changing way of our daily life that start from the little things. In addition, teaching children to begin to learn and grow to love the environment of awareness by showing our everyday behavior as well.
Here are some ways to be more love the environment:
Buying organic products. Organic products are free from harmful chemicals. Although it costs a bit more expensive, this type of product even more friendly to the environment. Introduce to the children why organic products is important for the preservation of our environment.
Teach children to use more items that can be reused and recycled. For recycling, teach children how to use materials such as metal, paper, plastic, and glass. Teach them how to sort the materials used can be recycled.
Plant a family tree. Gardening with family is always fun. Children will surely love this idea. Make a tree planting ceremony as a major event like the family gatherings, birthday child, or when filling the holidays.
Use cloth diapers instead of disposable diaper. Many benefits are obtained when using cloth diapers. Besides can be used repeatedly after being washed clean, cloth diapers are free of various chemicals that may be harmful for children. While disposable diapers can only be unraveled after 200-250 years.
Cooking your own food at home. Besides being more efficient, the food will be healthier and more environmentally friendly.
Encourage children to save more energy by turning off lights and electronics when not in use. Explain why it's important to do.
Save water. One of the waste of environmental resources is often done by families is a waste of water, such as bathing and washing cars. Begin making a commitment with family members so that water saving can be done.
Avoid toys made from plastic, toys weigh heavily on this type of environment. In addition, plastic toys may contain various chemicals that may harm children. So it is better to choose children's toys made from natural wood. *** [GREENPARENTHOOD | UTAMI | KORAN TEMPO 3554]
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